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Name: Marissa Mocenigo
University: Bryn Mawr College
Year: 2011
Department/Major: Computer Science
Contact Me

My name is Marissa, and I am a senior computer science major at Bryn Mawr College. My previous research experience has been with data visualization and computer graphics; moreover, in the future, I would be interested in pursuing research in databases and data mining.

I spent the past semester (Spring 2010) studying computer science at the University of London, King's College.

My other interests include reading, watching movies, and cooking (well, baking). I have been a horseback rider for 14 years, and I hope that I will be able to continue riding in the future.

Ultimately, I hope to pursue a computer science career in research and will be applying to graduate schools when I graduate from Bryn Mawr in May 2011.