I spent Monday working at home as I was feeling a little under the weather.
I read through some material on helper locks and put a bit of time into the DREU
final paper. Dr. Agrawal was out sick on Tuesday, and when we met on Wedensday, we
agreed that it would be difficult for me to start implementing helper locks with
only a few days remaining in my research schedule.
Instead, I've been working on modifying my current code. I've added more clear comments
and tested it on multiple processors. At this point, I am the only student left in the lab,
and it's been a very quiet week.
My graduate student friends have decided to take me out to say good-bye. We went bowling one night, went out to dinner
at this great restaurant, and went to the City Museum at night. The City Museum is pretty much a huge playground, and at night and with friends,
it was even more fun. The graduate students have been so friendly, and the fact that I'm an undergraduate has never been a problem.
They've been very open about the ups and downs of their experience at Wash U and have convinced me to apply for graduate school.