Working on helping people leverage social media to find trustworthy online content to help manage chronic illness.
This project is about (1) learning how individuals find and use health information to help manage chronic illness, in our first study specifically chronic Lyme disease, which is interesting because of the controversy surrounding diagnosis and treatment protocols in the medical community, and (2) developing a suite of tools to help individuals leverage the social web to find trustworthy information online. This summer, the focus rests on (1), the ethnographic exploration of health behavior online.
The project site can be found: here.
More on the current study that I am working on can be found: here.
I started working on this project (also referred to as the Chronic Web project) in January 2009, and so here I am back.
Pictured: a photoshopped picture of the eye-shaped benches outside of the Benedum Center in Downtown Pittsburgh.