"Der Moment bin Ich in meinem Leben." (Dornenreich)
Name: Adriana Ivanova Kovashka
Birthday: April 30, 1985
Born: Sofia, Bulgaria
Occupation: Student
School: Pomona College, CA
Year: Senior (2007-2008)
Graduation: May 2008
Majors: Computer Science, Media Studies
Minor: German
Academic plans: complete my B.A., go to grad school for CS (possibly open to debate)
Other interests: writing, conversing, loving, night walks, the mountains, swimming, philosophy, theatre, people, soccer, Hundertwasser, Klimt
Music: Alice in Chains, Anathema, Arcturus, Depeche Mode, Faith No More, Fates Warning, Paradise Lost, Philip Glass, Pink Floyd, Static-X
Movies: Amelie, American Beauty, Brideshead Revisited, Fried Green Tomatoes, Gegen die Wand, Kontroll, Life Is Beautiful, Malena, Respiro, Waking Life
Books: 100 Years of Solitude, Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, City of Glass, High Fidelity, Jude the Obscure, Jules et Jim, Thus Spoke Zarathustra