About me
About my mentor
Reflections on DMP
Weekly journal
A Day in the Life...

Final report

My Mentor:

I am working with Prof. Susan McRoy in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  She is head of the Natural Language and Knowledge Representation Research Group (NLKRRG), which has various projects going at any given time.
She does research in various aspects of artificial intelligence and human computer interaction.  Right now, she seems to be especially interested in intelligent dialog systems and intelligent tutoring systems.

Prof. McRoy and her husband Prof. Ali have been extremely helpful to work with, and have given me an insight into what life could be like working as an academic professor and researcher and having a family at the same time.  I admire how they use the flexibility their jobs give them to put their kids first but still stay active at the university.  They seem to work seamlessly as a team in everything they do; I'd say their motto must be "two heads are better than one"!