My Journal

Week One ¤ Week Two ¤ Week Three ¤ Week Four ¤ Week Five
Week Six ¤ Week Seven ¤ Week Eight ¤ Week Nine ¤ Week Ten/Eleven
Sunday: Today my family drove me back to UMass from home. It poured the whole way, but we did enjoy a wonderful dinner at Amherst Brewing Company.

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Monday: Today I changed all of the vectors used by the applet into Linked List, because Linked LIsts are much lig hter and Vectors were not necessary. This actually helped, because I was able to use the applet to draw a visualization that previously threw an Out.Of.Memory exception. I also added a few simple if statements so that a few LinkedLists th at were automatically created are now only created when necessary. I also fixed the right-click popup menu information for Oregon. The biggest achievement of the day, however, was when I decided to try to find a better way of drawing the nodes so that they would fit better on the screen. I used the algorithm Jane was using in the application and voila! th e nodes are tighter on the screen so no scrolling is necessary. And even better - I can now draw very large visualizati ons with the applet that I was not able to before. This proves Jane and my theory that the Out.Of.Memory error we're ge tting is due to being out of bounds on the graph panel.

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Tuesday: Today I implemented some of the application's code into the applet so that it is now possible to visuali ze to any AS from any tier one AS - not just from the source. It took a little debugging to fit the code into the apple t, but it works well now. I also began working with Jane on a way to improve the current drawing alogrithm for visualiz ations between a tier one AS and another AS, so that it would fit inside the capabilities of graph panel and also so tha t the nodes would line up correctly.

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Wednesday: Today Jane and I continued working on the drawing algorithm we began yesterday. After much deliberati on and trial-and-error tests, we finally got it working. We also fixed the algorithm which allowed the user to choose if they wanted to allow peer paths only, customer paths only, or paths in the first hop from the tier one AS.

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Thursday: Today I worked out the panel resizing problem I was having with the applet - sometimes the panel would shrink in size if the visualization drawn was not as large as the original size. Then I copied some of Jane's newly writ ten code which added some simple but effective functionality to the View Neighbors action. I also worked in some small i mprovements to the applet, including: clearing the graph before drawing a new visualization, clearing if no neighbors ar e found instead of just drawing the single node, changing vectors to LinkedLists in the new code I recieved from the app lication, setting the default node color to gray so that unknown nodes are obvious and not hidden, adding a wait_cursor while the applet is busy, and fixing the user input frame so that it disposes correctly.

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Friday: Today I fixed the new View Neighbors action code I recieved from Jane because I realized the visualizatio ns were not drawing correctly. It took a while to find the error, but it turned out to be different variable names used by the applet and application that were causing the problem. I then added a little mathematical change to the calculat ion of node coordinates when the applet draws circles so that it is less likely for lines to overlap. Before lunch, Jan e, Teng and I sat down together and discussed our goals for the rest of the summer. We decided my biggest goal was to g et the applet up and running on the web. So the plan is to begin very slowly, putting a very simple version up and test ing it. Once we get the basics to work I'll slowly add functionality and then test to make sure it all works together. Another goal, is to work out what classes we'd like to store on the web server, and which we'd like to download to the user - so I'll be giving that some thought next week. I spent the rest of the day testing the applet for little bugs - such as some actions not using the wait_cursor, setting defaults on some of the pop-up menus to make them easier to use, etc.

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Saturday: Today I went for a hike up Mt Sugarloaf, which is only about a 10min drive from campus. A friend and I packed a lunch and enjoyed it at the top - where there was an absolutly gorgeous view of the Connecticut river.