My last week, and what a busy one! I spent the first half of the week preparing for my presentation. The presentation went well, I hope. I basically discussed my entire summer in twenty minutes. I began by giving a review of protein structure, talked about evolutionary trace and geometric hashing, then went into my role in the work. I talked about how to tests on large data sets and gave an example of one of the tests I ran. We ended up getting into several discussions mid presentation, including an argument over the accuracy of the PDB (protein data bank) where we got all our protein sequences. We also got into a discussion over Perl.
After the presentation was over, I went straight to work. I finished automating the TESS set and started work on calculating RMSD for the L set. Brian wanted me to tests the accuracy of his RMSD calculations. I also worked on a final project report. Outside of work I had to pack and move my entire room into storage. It was a busy week!