- My Car
- Flat Land
- My Friends nearby
- Not riding a bike uphill
- Fast Internet...I hate modems
- My clothes
- Going to one store to buy everything
- Lots of tv channels
- The Sun!
the smell
- I can't buy my normal brands of food
- Mountains in the background
- A restaurant called Death by Chocolate
- The possibility of hiking on the weekend
- Jam made from real fruit
- Riding a bike downhill
- Knowing which channels to turn to watch reruns of Drew Carey,
Frasier and Spin City from 5:00 to 12:00
- Nice long baths in a nice bathtub
- Going to a zillion different stores to buy groceries
- Seeing a coyote 2 blocks from my appartment
- Co-ops that offer cheaper than normal prices
- A comic book store that gives free comic bags with each book
- Community Centers!
- The really cool accent
- 3 nice shopping areas within walking distance
- Really cheap produce