Nishmar Cestero

Deceptive Speech Across Cultures

The Deception Experiment

The Deception Experiment involves running experiments with human participants whose goal is to deceive one another whenever instructed to lie. They are both motivated by the opportunity to win cash prizes for successfully lying and detecting lies.

Data Analysis and Goals

The data collected in the experiment is then transcribed and its features are extracted to look for patterns in speech when lying, such as changes of pitch and loudness. In addition, we are looking for a correlation between deceptive behaviors and personality. The goal of this project is to develop computational methods to detect deception in English, Mandarin Chinese and Arabic speakers. This new lie detection technology would be more accurate than human intuition or existing methods, such as the polygraph, which predict no better than chance.

If you're interested in a more detailed summary of the project, check out this presentation : Deceptive Speech Mid-Summer Presentation

You can find my final report here: TBA