Research Notes
I've found many vague definitions of cyberbullying but not a corpus of specific examples. However, I found lists of common characteristics of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can come in a number of forms: harassment ("repeatedly sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages"), denigration ("distributing information about another that is derogatory and untrue..."), flaming ("online 'fighting' ...with angry, vulgar language"), impersonation, outing and trickery (sharing or tricking someone into sharing secrets or embarrassing info), and cyberstaking(violencepreventionworks). Similar to the research I've read, we will focus on the offensive, rude, insulting, angry, vulgar, derogatory, and inappropriate language aspect using a binary (good and bad) sentiment analysis.
- Binary classification (good or bad sentiment)
- No recognition of irony or sarcasm (?)
- Find sentiment of words, including words that are misspelled (which will likely happen often)