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CRA-W Distributed Mentor Program
Summer 2003
Christine Tan | Professor Sonia Fahmy at Purdue University

< Journal
WEEK 10: Almost done 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Monday, August 18
I send Sonia the latest version of my final report in the afternoon, after making last minute adjustments.

Tuesday, August 19
11:30am Prof. Carla Brodley's reading group (the last one for this summer). Paper: Characterizing the Performance of Network Intrusion Detection Sensors, RAID03 (www.cse.nd.edu/~lambert/pdf/nids_raid03.pdf)

Afterwards, I take up Carla's offer on giving me some advice on which grad schools to apply to. Based on my gpa, I should apply to lots of schools, especially those strong in systems and also those with rankings from 10 to 20.

Wednesday, August 20
Working on my final report and my packet trace sanitizer tool. Not much time left.

Thursday, August 21
I finish writing up my latest draft of my final report, which will hopefully become part of an actual paper that can be published eventually. I clean out all my files, and tar everything that I want to save, including my packet sanitizer tool and my research notes which I will turn over to Sonia.

Tried very hard to pack everything into my suitcase. I have way too much stuff.

Friday, August 22
Sent Sonia the link to my sanitizer tool.

Annual CS department lunch. Outdoor barbecue with hamburgers and hot dogs, right outside the CS building.

Met with Sonia at 1:30pm for a final discussion on my progress. I show her the latest version of my sanitizer tool and how it works. I then go back to the lab to comment my code and write a README file for the tool as she suggested.

Met with Sonia in a coffee shop near campus. This will be our last meeting for the summer, and she tells me about the meeting she recently attended at Berkeley with all the members of the group working on this project on building a framework for testing Intrusion Detection Systems, which my work this summer has been a small part of.

Saturday, August 23
Min Soek gives me a ride to the airport, which is very nice, since I don't know how I could carry all my stuff to the bus stop. I arrive in LA, and the weather is fantastic: warm but with a cool breeze. It's good to be back.