Week 4

This week we went to the hospital once on Monday in order to practice our study set up and again on Tuesday for the first day of real data collection. There are some technical hurdles we continue to run into during data collection as the virtual pointer we set up using Microsoft Kinect kept glitching, and delays with calibrating the eye tracker only allowed us to get through two participants.

I have been trying to ask Azin how the raw data from last years study is formatted so I can run that through my program. I also have started reading the longer paper Dr. Kleinsmith sent.

I normalized the data and added in the timestamps from the laser pointer study from last year. It took longer than expected to figure out the correct timestamp for each task's file because the tags got messed up. I also updated the code to calculate the timestamps more accurately so I have reattached the folder with the paramedic data and code. The reason the online converter was giving us a different hour is because it was in UTC, but I used the same epoch conversion and localized to EST using a python module, instead of calculating manually.

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