Week 4


This week, the bus didn't come and I speed-walked to campus (Baltimore style). We ate in some more fun lunch spots, I brushed up a lot on my current code, and I roadtripped home to hang out with my dad and an assortment of birds.

Things I Learned

  • more spots to eat on campus
  • to get to ground level from the ArticuLab, you can either take the stairs down or the elevator up (because Pittsburgh is hilly)
  • pros and cons of living the PhD life (as told by Yoichi and Florian)
  • when in a downpour, avoid buses; they are capable of sloshing ridiculous amounts of rainwater


Fixed up my GUI code (as in, added more functionality, altered some strange logical decisions, and cleaned up as best I could). There were also a lot of little things I sort-of-but-didn't-really cover earlier (like that awkward time difference between Android phones and the multiuser framework--important because I'm comparing timestamps) that I straightened out this week.


Reading Group

We practiced elevator pitches this week. Specifically, we each came up with a hook for a project pitch and practiced delivering said hooks with enthusiasm, which is not exactly my forte, but I think the practicing helped.

Debugging Session

This week, I was invited to the InMind team's debugging session (where I didn't do anything except gawk, but it was pretty cool to watch). Basically, everyone showed up to the ArticuLab (InMind people aren't usually there), settled in a corner, and worked together to fix things (yay for communication!). And by the end of the session, SARA was up and running (particularly exciting for me because my next task is to collect real data), which made everyone pretty happy.

Daily Logs

These are more or less lifted from Bitbucket, where I keep a README of these things.

Mon 6/12

Fixed up GUI code; worked on this website; sat down with Timo to construct a schedule for the rest of the summer (also discuss parts of my code to fix).

Tues 6/13

Filled in details for the (previously mentioned) schedule; made (previously mentioned) functionality/organization fixes to code; attended a CRA-W webinar.

Wed 6/14

Added more GUI functions; re-organized code to get it to output things more nicely (i.e. so people other than me can read the results); worked on a nice-looking timeline for the analysis tool; chatted with Timo about what my code's doing, what's currently going on in the InMind system, and what we can start with re: incrementality once we get to that point.

Thurs 6/15

Worked on the timeline some more; adjusted my code yet again; started a README for my analysis tool (so my code doesn't confuse other people slash me); went to reading group and then a debugging session.

Fri 6/16

Fixed a bug in my code, then commented and cleaned it up; added some more functions and settings options in order to be super-prepared to collect and analyze real data.

Not Work

Visting Home

This weekend, I went home for Father's Day. Home happens to be about seven-ish hours away, which turned out okay because a) the route is pretty scenic and wasn't crowded at all, b) I dumped about a hundred songs onto my phone, and c) I happen to be at the point in my life where I'm new enough to driving to still like it.

So driving was actually quite enjoyable, and being home was lovely: I ate food and re-read books from the tenth-grade English syllabus (my brother's in high school and had finals) and went birdwatching with my (bird-obsessed) dad on Sunday. I also watched Edge of Tomorrow (2014), which is funny because it's one of the movies that Sara keeps recommending.


  • started a fourth Star Wars puzzle (I need more puzzles) ((actually, I brought some old ones back to Pittsburgh))
  • I also brought Bach back to Pittsburgh, which is exciting because I forgot to pack him the first time around. Practicing piano and not having any Bach to play is like waking up too late for breakfast
  • I keep waking up late and it's not fun
  • my internal psuedonym generator appears to be malfunctioning, which is also not fun
  • remembered that I still don't know how to pump gas (thank you, New Jersey)

Template by Codrops | Last updated 23 Jun 2017