JUNE 11, 2017


I have found a nice little Bikram yoga studio nearby, so there’s something recreational I’ve done; mostly, I’ve been just researching for work, when I’m not at work.

The project for work has been decided upon! Last week, Mari and I worked on the Institutional Review Board (IRB) proposal for her project, which I will be helping with. The project centers around accessibility of maps applications for older adults who may have limited motor control, eyesight problems, etc. I have been tasked with understanding a new type of navigation system, Bayesian Information Gain for Guiding Multiscale Navigation (BIGnav), that was presented at CHI 2017. I am looking into whether or not this is a feasible system for our study, as opposed to standard navigation processes.

Oh, and the Fitt’s Law exercise got finished, finally. I still don’t like using the Kinect.