About Me
My name is Daniela Puente, but everyone calls me Danny. Currently I am pursuing an Associates Degree in Computer Programming at Jimmy Carter Early College High School, a high school which allows us to graduate with an Associates under South Texas College, and I plan to graduate on May 2017.
Dr. Amato, Saurabh, and Read will be the people who I will be working with in my Research Project
During this summer's project, my teammates and I will work with Multi-Agent systems in order to move items (in this case, boxes) around. The Multi-Agent will be transporting the items from a certain position to a designated drop-off section. In order to achieve this, we will build an environment in which the Multi-Agent will perform their task. We will also create a charging station where Multi-Agent will be able to report to in case it contains low battery. Once reporting to the charging station, another Multi-Agent will takes its place at work.
The project is currently divided into 3 teams: The Environment Team, The IR Team, and The ArUco Team.
The ArUco Team: This team will be working with ArUco code. They will be running and testing the code with the help of Saurabh. Their mission is to properly build a program in which the ArUco Marker Recognition is able to read the various ArUco Markers found in the environment. Once being able to read the ArUco Markers, the ArUco Team will be able to verify where in the environment the Create can be found.
The Environment Team: This team is in charge of constructing the environment in which the tasks will be performed. They will be placing ArUco markers in the environment in order for the robot to localize itself. This team is also in charg of searching for real-world examples, creating the items being transported, and verifying if the ArUco Markers are being properly read.
The IR Team: This team is in charge of properly programming the IR sensors on the Multi-Agent to detect and react accordingly to the virtual walls and to the docking station( the charging station). The virtual wall will be used to detect when the Create has reached its destination.
Project's Report Poster
Journals Pictures My Mentors DREU: Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates