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Week # 1 (May 31 - June 3) - Organized By Day

    Howdy! This week was a great week, as I was introduced to the Parasol Laboratory, basics of motion planning, and met many new people. I also finished the crash course and read many papers, which all aided me in learning more about my pursuing field. Overall, I learned a lot, and I am looking forward to the next one.

Week # 2 (June 6 - June 10) - Organized By Day

    Howdy! This week was mainly getting familiar with the Creates and how we will be utilizing them throughout the summer. We explored the basic functionality of a robot and how it works. We also attempted to build a RobotController, which will be our future means of communication with the Create.

Week # 3 (June 13 - June 17) - Organized By Day

    Howdy! This week consisted of finishing up the Multi Agent Behavior lesson on the crash course, and brushing up on our previous C++ knowledge through programming exercises. We were also presented with our summer project, split into teams and were assigned roles. We split into 3 teams: Environment Modeling, Aruco Markers, and IR Sensors. We look forward to the next week as we will be starting our assigned section of the project.

Week # 4 (June 20 - June 24) - Organized By Day

    Howdy! This week consisted of linking the netbook's ArucoMarkers and MarketPercept with the Desktop's RobotController, getting familar with the code, and discovering the limitations of the Aruco Marker Detection system. We also set up our website and were successful in creating a thread to broadcast to the netbook. We look forward to the next week as we will be incorporating the RobotController's functions along with the ArucoMarkers.

Week # 5 (June 27 - July 1) - Organized By Day

    Howdy! This week consisted of getting the functions of the RobotController to function with the ArucoMarker code, experimentation with some of the new functions we were presented, and C++ Exercises. The ArucoMarker code contained some functions that were not as accurate as expected, such as the goToPoint and the Rotate. We look forward to the next week as we expect to increase the current capabilities of the Create.

Week # 6 (July 4 - July 8) - Organized By Day

    Howdy! This week consisted of a lot of testing on the Box Pushing system and the functions needed to have the Create moving along the environment. We utilized and added some functionality to our previous code by adding the previous code completed by the other teams, such as the IR sensors, the Virtual wall, and the Box Pushing function. We also had several C++ lessons, and worked on updating our websites. We look forward to the next week as we will be applying the concepts learned in our lessons to exercise, and further progress into having the Robot be able to assemble the boxes.

Week # 7 (July 11 - July 15) - Organized By Day

    Howdy! This week consisted of solving some of our previous problems, such as localization, box pushing, accuracy on distance, and c++ lessons. We encountered several problems on our code, such as confusion with our variables and functions, however we were able to fix them. We also realized we weren't going to be able to use some of the previous functions and formulas we had planned, such as goToPoint. We look forward to the next week as we will be establishing a new formula for pushing the boxes straight.

Week # 8 (July 18 - July 22) - Organized By Day

    Howdy! This week consisted of working on the SquareUp function and developing different methods for doing so, and trying to get our previous functions more accurate. We discussed several ways of aligning the robot to the box and experimented with many of them. We hope to assemble at least one box next week, and make the robots movements more precise.

Week # 9 (July 25 - July 29) - Organized By Day

     Howdy! This week mainly comprised of doing some major progressions on our poster and method. We began to do trials for data on our poster, and split up into 4 teams for presentation. We also made a new system for our SquareUp function on Week #8 and improved it. Additionally, we received advice for our poster and method from our mentors and advisors, and took action on it. We look forward to our final week as we will be finalizing all of our project and saying our goodbyes.

Week # 10 (August 1 - August 5) - Organized By Day

     Howdy! This week was our final week at Texas A&M and Parasol Lab. We finalized our poster, got it printed, finished our final report, practised our presentation, and presented our research on Friday. We also cleaned and packed everything from our apartments. We received many advice on our poster early throughout the week and made the changes necessary. Additionally, we had to run more trials on Monday and Tuesday to see a more obvious pattern in our results. Overall, I really learned a lot from my stay at Parasol Lab and Texas A&M, and I hope to return in the future. Thank you to my mentors, Saurabh, Read, and Irving, and to Dr. Amato for the opportunity.

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