does a lot of different things: data management, summary statistics for quality control, population stratification detection, basic association testing, multimarker predictors, haplotypic tests, copy number variant analysis, etc.
Utilities for manipulating alignments in the SAM, BAM, CRAM format: includes sorting, merging, indexing, generating alignments in a per-position format
samtools pileup -v inputfile.bam -> generates a vcf
samtools phase -> call and phase heterozygous SNPs
samtools bam2fq -> converts bam into FASTQ file formats
set of utilities that manipulate variant calls in the vcf and bcf files
convert 23andme into VCF: bcftools convert -c ID,CHROM,POS,AA -s SampleName -f 23andme-ref. fa –tsv2vcf 23andme.txt -0z -o out.vcf.gz
tools for vcf and bcf files mainly to summarize data, run calculations on data, filter out data, and convert data into other useful file formats
TABIX indexes tab-delimited genome position file and creates an index file
input file needs to be position sorted and compressed by bgzip