File Formats

Maya Anand bio photo By Maya Anand

File Formats


Describes individuals and their genetic data.

  • Space or tab delimited file
  • One line for each individual


  1. Family ID [string]
  2. Individual ID [string] – unique, containing only alphanumeric characters
  3. Father ID [string]
  4. Mother ID [string]
  5. Sex [integer] – 1 for female, 2 for male
  6. Phenotype [float]
  7. SNP1 first allele
  8. SNP1 second allele
  9. SNP2 first allele
  10. SNP2 second allele

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  • meta-information lines
  • header line
  • data lines (each for a different position in the genome)

Meta-information lines

  • start with “##”
  • must have ‘‘file format’ field
  • ##fileformat=VCFv4.0

###Header line * names the 8 fixed, mandatory columns * tab-delimited

The columns are:

  1. #CHROM
  2. POS
  3. ID
  4. REF
  5. ALT
  6. QUAL
  8. INFO

Data lines

  • tab-delimited


  1. #CHROM: identifier from the reference genome
  2. POS: reference position
  3. ID: unique identifier like dbSNP rs #
  4. REF: A, C, G, T or N, indels include base before event
  5. ALT: non-reference alleles called on at least one of the samples; A, C, G, T, N or
  6. QUAL: high scores indicate high confidence
  7. FILTER: PASS or codes for filters that fail
  8. INFO: additional info

More Information


###BAM * binary version of a SAM file * sequence alignment data

###SAM * Header lines start with ‘@’ * Alignment lines have 11 mandatory fields for essential alignment info * More Info

###CRAM * like BAM * compressed version of the alignment * More Info


  • stores sequences and Phred qualities
  • More Info


snp/rs id chrm # position genotype

rs4477212 1 82154 AA rs3094315 1 752566 AG rs3131972 1 752721 AG rs12124819 1 776546 AA