Journal Entry #2: 06/08/2015-06/12/2015
Elm is an Functional Reactive Programming Language. Learning this programming style has been very diffcult for me. The hardest part of learning this programming style is letting go old habits, such as ending a line with (;), or defining particular variable ( x= 45) , and wrting every step out step by step. What makes it even harder is the scarce amount of material on the subject. This is a relatively new programming language, so there is no books on the subject. As I tried to review the tutorials located on the website, I became higly confused with the infmoration provided. The information provided skimmed the surface of the programming language. Following the program packages (Library Documentation), did not help me understand the functions provided in the examples, it more of gave me a definition, and a function type that can be used to find a partcular element. But, it did not provide a example for that partcular type.
My mentor Stephiane Weirich helped guide me through the tutorials, she taugh me the syntax of the language, and helped me get a better understanding of the functional reactive programming language. Step by step, and thoroughly explaining the functions of each state of the program. Therefore, giving me a clear understanding of how the program will function, and how to create the function.