Journal Entry: 06/02/2015-06/05/2015

June 2, 2015

Today is the day I meet with my mentor, Stephanie Weirich. I communicated with Stephanie Weirich through multiple emails before arriving to the Unviersity of Pennsylvania. She helped me a lot in preparing for this summer, and made me more confident in coming to UPenn.

Upon my arrival to the Unviersity of Pennsylvania,We agreed to meet on the first of June at 12:00pm. Unfortunately, We had to reschedule for the following day at 10:30am because I did not take into account how long the ride will had taken to arrvie at UPenn before 12:00pm.

Located in 510 Levine Hall is her office. We finally got to meet eachother face to face, where we discussed what will be expected of this Summer. In introducing ourselves and our interest to one another, she brought up this topic that was discussed in a conference that she had attended the week before. A new coding language, that is closely represented to JavaScript, know as "Elm". I know JavaScript and I thought it was interesting that there is a new language that is compatible with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. She was interested with the topic as well, as she has not learned the language either.

So Excited! We quickly found our topic to work on during the Summer!

June 3, 2015

Today I will do some research on the topic "Elm" that me and my mentor had agreed upon. I am curious how relatively similar JavaScript, and Elm could really be. After visting the Elm website, I took advantage to browse throughout the web pages and get an idea of what Elm is, and how it is used in today's society. Elm is an interesting language, and looked relatively easy to use. But, after my first look into the coded examples I was a little confused. There is much to learn and grasp this summer. I will make it my mission to learn this language.

June 4, 2015

Still new to the campus, I took a walk around the campus while on my way to 307 Levine. There was a presentation prepared and given by Richard Eisenberg for his Dissertation Proposal Defense. Invited by my mentor Stephaine Weirich, Richard Eisenberg a student of hers is working on his doctoral degree. He spoke about dependent types in Haskell in theroy and pratice. Not knowing much about Haskell, this presentation actually gave me an idea about how dependent types, and how they can help benefit software engineers. Also, this experience gave me an idea of the steps I will have to make in order to retrive my doctorates in the future.

Now! Have to think about where I going to start on my Website!

June 5, 2015

Today, I will attend the the programming language club seminar. During this seminar a student of the University of Pennsylvania will give a practice presentation among his fellow faculty, and peers. Where he can get feedback on his presentation as a whole inorder to ensure he does his best when giving a presentation for a competition.

After the presentation. I met with my mentor to talk about my website, and showed her my basic layout of my web page. She gave me good feedback on what I should add, and incorporate within my website.

June 6, 2015 - June 7,2015

I will continue to work on my website. Adding all information that is required, and stated on the DREU procedure. I would have to also transfer these files individually into Linux. Linux is what I use to put up my website :\~lmorse\Home.htm.