Green Roofs
What do they do?
A green roof consists of a layer of vegetation that completely covers an otherwise conventional flat or pitched roof. They hydrologic response of a green roof bears closer resemblance to a lawn or meadow than impervious surface. The green roof system is composed of multiple layers including waterproofing, a drainage layer, engineered planting media, and specially selected plants.
It is effective in reducing the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff from roofs. Green roofs can be installed on many types of roofs, from small slanting roofs to large commercial flat roofs.
What's the cost?
Extensive green roofs usually start at $8 per sq. ft.
Concerns with Green Roofs
- Expensive
Benefits of Green Roofs
- Long-term economic benefits outweigh the start-up cost.
- Protect roof membrane from harsh weather and ultraviolet radiation
- Last twice as long as traditional roofs
- Insulates the building from intense temperatures and minimizes heat gain.
- Vegetation and soil act as a sponge, absorbing and filtering water that would normally plunge down gutters, wash through streets and over-tax sewer systems.
Why Install it?
Although expensive now, it will save you money in the future on numerous things. Less roofing repair and using minimum a/c or electric when it's hot out.
Reduces combined Sewer Overflows.
Provides urban green space and aesthetically pleasing views.
Decreases heating and cooling costs.