DREU 2012
CU - Boulder Dacs lab
DREU 2012
CU - Boulder Dacs lab
This summer I am returning to the DACS lab (the home of the CU Language Project) at the University of Colorado, Boulder. My website from last summer is http://www.cra.org/Activities/craw_archive/dmp/awards/2011/Shay/. The focus of the lab is how young children (mainly ages one to four) process language, as well as how they learn language. Our studies are fun cognitive tests designed to focus on a specific aspect of language.
There are several undergraduates working in the lab this summer, as well as a few graduate students. Some of the undergraduates are receiving credit for their work, while others are volunteering or getting paid. Most of the students are working part-time in the lab, although the exact number of hours varies widely.