
My name is Kaylin Spitz, and I'm working on face-detection and tracking under DREU funding. Hopefully, the tracking will eventually be integrated into Prof. Bajcsy's tele-immersive system. Detecting and tracking faces will allow us to show them in higher resolution.

My research partner (and roomie) is another DREU participant, Kat Bradley. Her website is here

About Me

I am a rising senior at Harvey Mudd College (expecting to graduate spring 2010). I'm studying computer science and mathematics, and hoping to go to grad school after I graduate (although I don't know where). I love algorithms, graph theory, induction/recursion (they're pretty much the same thing),formal proofs, and about 14,624 other things I don't have the time to list.

Outside of academics, I like bicycline, baking, building stuff, camping, people, and groundies. I also like my family's old 1988 subaru station wagon, and numerous other things I won't bore you with. My email address is [first name]_[last name] @hmc.edu.

About My Mentor

My mentor is Professor Bajcsy. Her interests include:

  • Tele-immersive environments
  • Computer Vision
  • AI
  • Robotics
  • Sensor Networks

To be honest, I copied this list from her website.

What her site doesn't tell you is her numerous awards. At Immerscom, somebody mentioned she is a member of all three national academies (Science, Engineering, and Medicine). A simple Google search will show you numerous other awards.

A picture of a red panda

This is a red panda. It has absolutely nothing to do with my project, but they're pretty adorable.


My name: Kaylin Spitz
My website: Here
My advisor's name: Professor Bajcsy
Prof. Bajcsy's website: Here
My partner's name: Kat Bradley
Kat's website: Here