DREU (Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates) is a program that matches undergraduate women and underrepresented groups in computer science and engineering with mentors to do research for the summer. Their goal is to get more women and people from underrepresented groups to go to graduate school in these areas.
I'm spending the summer at the University of Delaware in Newark, DE. The campus is really pretty and green, and Newark seems like a great college town!
The Project:
We're working on automatically testing web applications by creating test cases from actual user sessions on older versions of the web applications. The overall goal is to be able to automatically generate realistic, efficient test cases for web applications.
I'm keeping a journal of my experiences both in the lab and in my spare time this summer.
Final Report
We wrote up a final report (pdf) of our research this summer that will be the beginnings of a conference paper.
"The DREU Crew" at UD
My Mentors:
Dr. Lori Pollock is my official DREU mentor. She is a professor at the University of Delaware in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences. Her research interests are software analysis, software testing, software maintenance tools, compiler optimization for parallel architectures.
Dr. Sara Sprenkle is in the Computer Science Department at Washington and Lee and collaborates with Dr. Pollock.
Other Undergrads:
Carrie Hopkins is also a rising sophomore at Washington and Lee.
Katie Baldwin will be a senior at the University of Delaware.
Sana Malik will be a junior at the University of Delaware. She is also a DREU participant, but she's working on a Natural Language Program Analysis project.