Okay, I am going to list the people I'm working with or know so no one gets confused: Jack Carroll - He is overseeing the project I am working on, the geocollaborative emergency planning scenario. Husband of Professor Rosson. Professor Mary Beth Rosson - Wife of Professor Jack Carroll. She is my mentor for this summer, so she is here to give me advice about graduate school and writing my paper and getting as much out of my time here as possible. She's really helped give me a much better idea of what I'd like to do after my undergraduate studies are finished. Gregorio - Graduate student. Very Italian, very intimidating. This project is his baby, I think he is writing his dissertation on it. He is not IST, but he's involved with HCI (human computer interaction). I'm kind of scared of him because he is so serious looking all the time, but he is actually really nice to me. Val - She is an undergrad working on the wConnect project with Lauren and Nick. wConnect is a program designed to get more women involved in computing related fields. Vince - He is an undergrad at PSU. He's experimenting with with Google mashups and was playing around with the idea of making some sort of tool to make mash ups more accessible to non-programmers. He is also helping out Bernie, who is a graduate student here. Vince and I play Guild Wars a lot together. Craig - He is working with me on the software prototype. He also makes really good rhubarb crisp, as we discovered at Prof. Rosson and Carroll's barbecue. Really friendly and great to work with. Nick - He is a very typical IST/CS student. He drives Lauren nuts but I love to get on his nerves. It's like my hobby. He's working on the wConnect thing with Lauren and Val. Lauren - My rooommate. She's from North Carolina, and just finished undergraduate school (in the field of computer science, at NC State), and is going on to graduate school. When she describes herself as "conservative", she is not kidding. For instance, I was talking about how my friend Brad and I sometimes talk about where we were going to live, and I was like "California is nice." and she went "Oh no, the west coast is so liberal! I could never live there.". I almost choked laughing, it was just the way she said it. Despite this, we get along really well. I normally dislike conservative people, but I find myself really liking Lauren. She's also being a good influence on me, we go to church together. Helena - She is a graduate student, who is so full of energy it's crazy. I'm working with her more on the research end of things, investigating the decision making process and the participants' rationale behind their decisions. Alex - She is a grad student and is working on doing transcriptions of the videos of experiments with the project. She showed me around the experiment a little bit. I remember her saying she has something to do with education, so I don't know what her angle on the project is exactly. Leslie - She is an undergrad doing work study, laboring away at doing transcriptions of the videos. I am so glad I'm not doing that. Lu - Grad student. She has done research and coding before with the geocollaborative project I'm working on now. Helena and I are getting some pointers on where to go with our research from a paper Liu previously wrote. Mysterious guy - There is a mysterious guy who is in the labs and sits on the other side of the room from me. I think his name may be Harry, but I can't be sure, and I'm embarrassed to ask. It seems like he has been doing some of the video transfer/encoding for videotapes of the experiements that have already been run. Update! Yes, his name is Harry, and we drag him to lunch with us all the time. Blaine - He works on the software prototype with Craig and I. I don't see him around much, but he's a really big help whenever I email him with a problem. Reed - Reed is here only for a month, and is a highschool student from the Boston area. He's working on integrating the ability to use CSS in BRIDGE. Reed is a magician, and likes to show us magic tricks at lunch. |