Hey! I am Manasi Vartak and I'll be a sophomore at WPI this year. I hope to double major in Computer Science along with Electrical Engineering or math by 2010!
I am from Pune, India and right now I am at Texas where the sun is as good as it is back home!! I am working on a project in computational biology in the Parasol laboratory at Texas A & M University. My mentor is Prof. Amato, whose research includes Motion planning, Computational biology and Parallel and distributed computing. I got this great research opportunity because of the Distributed Mentor Project run by the CRA-W. This program, open to undergraduate women is a great opportunity to get hands on CS experience and I would everyone interested in a CS internship to apply for it.
Besides going to the lab everyday, I sketch and paint as well!! Site specific art is something I have recently discovered a great liking for and I'll put in a few interesting art projects :) I also like listening to music (a lot of Hindi stuff) and dancing.
Here are a few useful links:
Research Plan : This is a broad outline of my project goals
Weekly Journal : Every week brings new things - new challenges, new opportunities, new bugs!!
Final Report : My final report.
Parasol Home | Research | People | General info | Seminars | Resources Parasol Lab, 301 Harvey R. Bright Bldg, 3112 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-3112 Contact Webmaster Phone 979.458.0722 Fax 979.458.0718 Department of Computer Science | Dwight Look College of Engineering | Texas A&M University |