Hey Everybody!,This is Dhivya Padmanabhan from Texas A&M University and this summer, I recieved the opportunity to work on a research project with Prof. Elizabeth Belding of the Computer Science department in UCSB. Her primary research is in Mobile Wireless Networking. One of her PhD students Amit Jardosh will be my student mentor. The project is proving to be an amazing experience and I look forward to enjoying every second of it!

More about myself

My Mentor

My Research Project

My journal - the 10 weeks of research..


CRA-W Distributed Mentor Project:
A brief introdution about the DMP...
The DMP is aimed at increasing the number of women in the field of computer science. It provides the opportunity for women majoring in computer science or engineering to work with faculty members from different universities and research on interesting fields of their choice. The program matches a student and mentor from different universities based on their common research interests and provides (funds) for the student to live and work on a project with her mentor for 10 weeks. For more information on the CRA and DMP program you can visit their web site at http://www.cra.org/Activities/craw/dmp/