Mercedes R. Lopez



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Summer 2007 Internship at Duke University\About Me
 sponsored by
Computing Research Association Distributed Mentor Project (CRA-W DMP)


When I learned that I was matched with Professor Rodger at Duke University, I was ecstatic, because I had heard that she was accomplishing great things with K-12 education and compuer science, and that she is a strong advocate for introducing girls to the world of computer science and empowering them to succeed.

Susan RodgerSusan Rodger is an Associate Professor of the Practice in the Computer Science Department at Duke University. She received her PhD in computer science from Purdue University in 1989. Professor Rodger's interest are in Visualization and Computer Science Education. She developed the software JFLAP for formal languages and automata theory and co-authored a book on JFLAP. JFLAP is used around the world in over 160  countries. Two of her recent grants involve social networking and teaching the programming language Alice to middle and high school teachers. Prof. Rodger is married and has two children.
Please visit her webpage:

At approximately the halfway mark of this internship, family emergencies forced me to return to San Diego to complete this project with a co-mentor, Beth Simon, Ph.D. Professor Simon was the first lecturer in the first class I took at UCSD, and I was immediately impressed with her dynamic teaching style.  Professor Simon was my mentor on another CRA project, and I am more than pleased to be working with her again.

Beth Simon

Beth Simon's research areas are educational technology and computer science education research. She received her MS and PhD degrees in compter Science from University of California San Diego (UCSD), in  1998 and 2002, respectively. Please visit her webpage:


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