Raye Gomez

Distributed Mentor Project - Summer 2007

I was selected as one of two research interns in the HCII (Human Computer Interaction Institute) at Carnegie Mellon University to study with Professor Jennifer Mankoff, a former professor of UC Berkeley. Here I am conducting a study on IM (Instant Messenger) use for laptop owners, and the effects of that use on the environment.

I am a graduate of Mills College, since May 12th, 2007. I acquired my BA in Computer Science with a minor in Art Studio. My research interests lie in Computer Architecture, Computer Graphics, Software Engineering, and Robotics. I plan on attending graduate study in the field of Computer Engineering, with a concentration on Computer Architecture after I complete this program. I hope to also one day pursue a degree in Computer Graphics. I am participating in this program to gain knowledge in research techniques/ practices for future use in graduate study.

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