CRA-W DMP Summer 2007

Information About Me:
Name: Michelle Chamberlain
School: CUNY Brooklyn College
Department & Major: Computer Information Science
Grade: Senior
Expected Graduation Date: June 2008
Email Address:

Information About My Mentor:
Name: Dr. Tiffany barnes
School: UNC Charlotte
Department: Computer Science
Areas of Research: Advanced Learning Technologies Artificial Intelligence, particularly used in Learning Environments, Clustering, and Data Mining Bioinformatics, particularly in modeling protein translation using coding theory Effective Teaching Methods Combinatorics, particularly Graph Theory related problems

What The Project Is
I am assisting in the implementation of a game that will teach the fire practices of the Kuku-Thaypan Indigenous people of Cape York, Australia. The main character will be a young Indigenous boy whom is taking Stewardship of the land for 30 days. The objective of the game is to learn to read the land around you, and to take the relationships between the various elements of the land into account and to burn the forest as needed with these things in mind. As you gain more experience more elements come into play, for example for Level one you may need to only read some grass and bushes, Level 2 you have to take into consideration how burning the land will effect the wildlife in the area and there will be more types of vegetation. It is a one player computer game and the WiiMote will be the control.
Final Paper
Fun Stuff