Week 10


I’ve spent this week writing my final report. At first it seems overwhelming, what to say, there is so much, so many things learned, so many pieces, so much left undone =)


Now that I am writing my paper I appreciate the usefulness of a research journal. Next time I would add to my research journal citations of where I found information, also I would include the theory (in a conceptual way) for the pieces of my work: what is the ‘theme’ in this textures? How are they better different than  the previous work? What do I expect, how can I justify my results? I would also add to my journal descriptions of the several processes I underwent what is an SVM, how does it work? Draw a picture, make a graph, add references and related material as I go along.


Also I would have someone read my journal, hopefully someone not involved in eth project that can tell me what other pieces of information they would need to understand the gist of what I am saying—a assuming they do not know the terminology.


Expect delays! Writing takes a long time. Start by making an outline and revise.


I am using latex because I have a lot of math formulas I want to include. Latex is easy to learn, but it does take some getting used to. Make sure you know what documentclass and packages you are using, adding figures and formatting changes quite a bit based on those two factors.


I am also finishing up my webpage.


I’m clearing out my desk and getting ready for the start of the next semester. Time just flew!