CRA-W DMP @ The University of Washinon

Mayra Vavrica

Summer 2006

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Michal Irani
Weizmann Institute

June 15, 2006
Ubiversity of Washington

Space-Time Analysis and Manipulation of Dynamic Behaviors

Video data provides a visual window into the rich space-time world, yet -- it is still mostly treated as a sequence of individual image frames. In this talk I will show how by moving away from image-frames and analyzing information contained in entire space-time volumes, we can perform tasks that are very difficult and often impossible to perform otherwise. In particular, I will show how this space-time approach can be used for solving three difficult problems related to analysis of dynamic scenes:

1. Fast search of complex actions in video (based on a single example clip).

2. Prediction and completion of complex dynamic information in video.

3. Detection of "irregularities" in visual data (including detection of suspicious behaviors, salient behaviors, saliency/attention in images, and other applications).

-- Michal's one of the very top people in computer vision and a great speaker!