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Friday, August 4, 2006

I'm going to be out of town all next week, and then I only have about 3 days left to work. I'm trying to start bringing some things to a close. 

The author of the graph module wasn't able to fix the bug for me at the time, so he told me where I could submit a bug report. I did so, and I'll check to make sure it shows up on the bug list.

I went through my bedbars page and the list of things that I wanted to do on it. The ones that could be done quickly, or that were too important to leave, or that I needed to do myself, I completed. The rest of the things I wrote up in a list (notes, features to add, bugs) which I will leave behind for the next person with my documentation. I'll be sure to leave information about the bug that I found in the graph module - that's the only incomplete part of the documentation.

I wanted to write the "prior/related work" section of my report today. I had a lot of PDFs I wanted to look at to do this, and I wanted to be able to highlight or mark on them, electronically. (No need to print out 100-200 pages.) I looked at different pieces of software for quite a while, but finally I had to settle for something that converts the pages to images. I stick the images end-to-end in KPaint, and then I can just put a mark next to lines I want to quote or otherwise use. It's too bad there's no good way for me to convert them to OpenOffice documents.

One of my coworkers is going to be gone when I get back, since he's taking a break before the semester starts. The crowd just keeps thinning out ... 

See you a week from Monday!

Note to self: Documents I'm using to keep track of everything are "master todo jul28" and "aug4_end." 

Last Updated ( Friday, 04 August 2006 )
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