Week 8 (07/18 - 07/24)


- 4pm: Atteneded the OWN Low Speed Wind Tunnel Tour.

- Met with Olga to go over my Abstract and made changes she suggested.

- Started working on the outline and content of my paper.

- Went to Mike's Birthday Party in the evening.


- 3:30-6:00pm: Attended the USRG GRE Prep Seminar. The topic was: "GRE Practice Test 2." This was the last GRE Prep Seminar for this summer.

- Submitted my Abstract to Beth Johnson.

- Olga emailed me a copy of the most recent STAPL poster (huge PowerPoint document), which will be of much help to me when trying to create my own poster.


- 12pm: Attended the Campus REU Brown Bag Lunch. The topic was "How Good People Make Tough Choices (Ethics)." Major Keller's presentation on ethics was a quick look at some dilemmas that are common and some practical methods for making decisions when faced with competing choices.

- Continued working on the improved parallel Nth Element algorithm, incorporating all the changes made to the STAPL project.


- 11:30: Attended the CS Brown Bag Lunch. The topic was "Presentation Skills" and the speaker was Dr. Valerie Taylor, Department Head.

- Continued working on the improved parallel Nth Element algorithm.
- Met with Gabi to discuss algorithm steps I was having a problem with.

- Watched a movie ("Life of David Gale") in the evening.


- Continued working on the improved parallel Nth Element algorithm.

- 3:30-4:00pm: Attended the weekly CS Cookie Break.

- Played Ben's Stargate (SG-1) role-playing game.



- Had a late breakfast with Stuart and Renny. She later took us to the Lake Bryan. Unfortunately, we could not swim in Lake Bryan due to dead fish lying all over the shore and the horrible stench coming from the direction of the water. We went to Somerville lake instead and had a wonderful time.



- Updated this web site.

- Worked on my paper and poster.