The purpose of this website is to document my participation in the Distributed Mentorship Project (DMP) offered by the Computing Research Association's Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research (CRA-W). The purpose of the DMP is to familiarize undergraduate and rising graduate women with research experience similar to that of a computer science or computer engineering graduate program by matching students with professors for a summer of research at the professor's home institution. The DMP is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).Use the calendar on the right to link to journal entries for each week of my participation.
General information
DMP student participant:
Lauren Wilcox
rising MS student: Columbia University
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Department of Computer Science
e-mail: lgw23 | cs.columbia.edu
DMP mentor participant:
Professor Mary Beth Rosson
Computer Supported Collaboration and Learning Lab
Pennsylvania State University
Please see my