
About Me

My name is Tabitha Peck and I am going to be a senior at Bucknell University. I am majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics with a minor in Physics. At Bucknell I am the editor of the “Connection”, a computer science news letter, and vice president of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). I am also in the Math Association of America and play on the Ultimate Frisbee team, the Peace Frogs. This summer I am playing ultimate in Pittsburgh’s summer league and living in ΣΦΕ (yes that’s right, I am a “frat boy” for the summer).

My main research interest is graphics and I would some day like to be a computer animator for movies or a researcher (possibly a professor). Right now my main ambitions involve getting into graduate school and finishing my last year at Bucknell University. To help with getting into graduate school I am doing research at Carnegie Mellon University with professor Jessica Hodgins in computer graphics and robotics. Last summer I did research at the University of Minnesota and I am hoping that this summer will be just as fun, rewarding, and memorable.

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