Welcome! This is a humble page of a senior CS undergrad at UBC, which is a tribute to the DMP support on the project I did during the summer of 2004. I hope you find it intersting and perhaps enterntaining.
First and formost, Distributed Mentorship Program (CRA-W DMP) is part of Committee on the Status of Women in Computing research (CRA-W) which is in terms part of Computing Research Association organization (CRA).
is an association of more than 200 North American academic departments of computer science, computer engineering, and related fields; laboratories and centers in industry, government, and academia engaging in basic computing research; and affiliated professional societies. The main goals of CRA are to strengthen research and education in the computing fields, expand opportunities for women and minorities, and improve public and policymaker understanding of the importance of computing and computing research in our society.
this branch of CRA is concerned with taking positive action to increase the number of women participating in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) research and education at all levels.
this is a project under CRA-W. Its main goal is to increase the number of women entering graduate school in computer science and computer engineering (CS&CE). It brings together CS&CE undergraduates and professors for a summer of research at the mentor's research institution. Students will be directly involved in research, meet and interact with graduate students and professors, and work with successful researchers. This experience is invaluable for students who are considering applying to graduate school.
Please, note that for further information about me or any of the things I am doing or have done, you could check out my own website which I update regularly, as this here is a more or less static website. Thank you very much. Also, if you would like to see the image below in more details click here.