My info:

Name: Rachel Goldman

     I am a Junior in Barnard College, Columbia University, majoring in computer science and minoring in psychology. I like being catalyst for making things happen quickly and efficiantly. For the past year I have been doing research on educational robotics. I have been heavily involved in development of the GK-12 outreach project, an initiative to bring robotics to underprivlaged public school classrooms. As the current secretary of Columbia Univeristy's ACM chapter and the undergraduate respresentative of the Women in Computer Science chapter, my goal is to reach out to Barnard women in order to increase their interest and participation in various computer related forums.

-- Home

:- ) My Info

-- My Mentor

-- Project Description

-- Final Presentation

-- Final Paper

-- Curriculum (off-site)

-- Resources

-- My Trip

-- Other


Thanks to yaddi for her
help designing this site!!