Distributed Mentor Project: Maureen Hurtgen CIT building at Brown University

Maureen Hurtgen

Distributed Mentor Project

Summer 2002

My mentorship with DMP brought me to Providence, Rhode Island, to work with Amy Greenwald, an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Brown University whose main research interests include e-commerce and multi-agent learning. For the past few months I've had the privilege of working with her and a fellow DMP intern, Nicole Dombeck, on a trading agent for the 2002 Trading Agent Competition. I think RoxyBot, as our agent is affectionately known, will end up having a larger impact on the course of my life than our ten-week rendezvous would seem to suggest. That is because prior to this summer, I was uncertain about whether or not I wanted to go to grad school after completing my senior year at Duke. But what better way to decide than to have a sneak preview of the life of a grad student for a summer?! It has been a great experience, and I have learned just enough about conducting research in computer science to make me want to sign up for a few more years!

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