FRAME EXAMPLES: - Shopping_cart Basic test case to make sure the bare-bones elements of the system are functioning properly. - Leaflist More complex example to test development, also contains frames with the same name and documents with more than one parent. - LeafList2 More complex than the original LeafList, LeafList2 was mostly used to test Phase 3 and determine the proper number of iterations. - Cycle A more complex cycle than the inadvertent cycle of LeafList2, used to test the cycle detection and deletion mechanism. Because one of the principal nodes in the cycle was a child of the top frame node, this example introduced a special case of cycles but was not able to improve the general cycle detection algorithm. - Cycle2 A longer cycle that does not include a child document of the top frame node in the cycle, as in the original Cycle example. - Monkey A demonstration of how JavaScript handles the two different ways of nesting frames: within the same page, and nested through different pages. - Netgrocer The files used to test the real site, - Paper Examples used to construct appropriate figures for the paper.