function [V,W] = art1s(p,rho,flag,V,W) BACK TO HOME PAGE %ART1S ART1 simulation function. % BACK TO PROJECT PAGE % [V,W] = ART1S(P,rho,flag) % P - F1xQ matrix of input vectors. BACK TO MATLAB CODE % rho - the vigilance parameter, 0<= rho <=1. % flag - (Optional) Printing flag. Any value of flag Continue looking at Code % enables printing of events. % Returns: % V - the new top-down (T-D) weight matrix F1xF2. % W - the new bottom-up (B-U) weight matrix F2xF1. % F2 is the number of nodes in layer F2 (max # of categories) % Example: P = letno; % art1s(P,0.7); % % See also LETNO % Author: Val Ninov, e-mail: % Grad. Student, Dept. of Electrical Engineering % Concordia University, Montreal, Canada % (c) April, 1997 % References: % [1] Carpenter, G. A. and S. Grossberg, "ART2: self-organization % of stable category recognition codes for analog input patterns." % Applied Optics, vol. 26, no. 23, Dec. 1987, pp. 4919-4930. % [2] J. Freeman and D. Skapura, Neural Networks: Algorithms, % Applications, and Programming Techniques. Addison Wesley if nargin<2 | nargin>5 error('Wrong number of input arguments.'); end % NETWORK PARAMETERS [R,Q] = size(p); F1 = R; F2 = Q; L = 2; categ = zeros(F2,F2); % category table count = ones(1,F2); % counter for patterns in one category % INITIALIZE WEIGHTS if nargin < 4 W = ones(F2,F1)*(L/(L-1+F1)); V = ones(F1,F2); fprintf('INITIAL TOP-DOWN MATRIX :'); V fprintf('INITIAL BOTTOM-UP MATRIX :'); W end % INITIALIZE RETURN VARIABLES a1 = zeros(F1,Q); % output of F1 i = zeros(1,Q); % winner index win = 1; % First time node 1 in F2 is the winner nActive = 1; % The number of active neurons in F2 % PRESENT EACH INPUT VECTOR for q=1:Q Reset = 0; B2 = zeros(F2,1); resonance = 0; while ~resonance % REPEAT UNTIL: LAYERS F1 & F2 RESONATE % Initially a1 = p; % Calculate the winning node in F2 (among the active nodes) A2 = compet(W(1:nActive,:)*p(:,q)+B2(1:nActive,1)); i(q) = find(A2 == 1); win = i(q); % RECALCULATE a1 WITH FEEDBACK FROM A2 a1(:,q) = (p(:,q) & V(:,win)); % RESET if the new a1 is too different from p S= sum(a1(:,q)); X= sum(p(:,q)); Reset = (S/X) < rho; % IF RESET: TAKE WINNING NEURON IN F2 OUT OF COMPETITION if Reset B2(win) = -100; if nargin == 3 fprintf(' RESET: Pattern %0.f resets F2 neuron %0.f.\n',q,win); end % IF ALL NEURONS IN A2 OUT OF COMPETITION ADD NEURON TO LAYER 2 if all(B2(1:nActive,1) == -100) nActive = nActive + 1; if nargin == 3 fprintf(' A new category %d created\n',nActive); end win = nActive; end % ELSE RESET NEURON DOES NOT FIRE: LAYERS 1 & 2 RESONATE else if nargin == 3 fprintf('Pattern %d classified in %d category.\n',q,win); end resonance = 1; end end % end of WHILE loop % Update B-U LTM and T-D LTM V(:,win) = a1(:,q)&V(:,win); W(win,:) = (a1(:,q)*L/(L-1+sum(a1(:,q))))'; V(:,win) = V(:,win).*p(:,q); W(win,:) = (V(:,win).*p(:,q))'/(0.5 + sum(V(:,win).*p(:,q))); categ(win, count(win)) = q; count(win) = count(win)+1; end % end of FOR loop % Display final classification fprintf('\n Category Pattern\n -----------------------------------------------\n'); for i = 1:nActive fprintf(' %d ',i); for j= 1:F2 if categ(i,j) fprintf('%s, ',(categ(i,j)+64)); end end fprintf('\n ------------------------------------------------\n'); end end |