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Average Prices

What we see from the average prices graph for GT versus DF in Figure 8 is the following. The GT prices are still about 0.97 (see Section 4) because the GT are unaffected by the actions of other pricebots. The DF prices start out around the 0.85 range but then spread out, becoming both higher and lower than 0.75. There is spreading both with and without exploration. The spreading of the prices, however with exploration appears to be slightly greater than without it. The spreading that we see without exploration, is due to the decreasing number of DF pricebots, as fewer DF pricebots means that each one will have a bigger impact on the average price. This also comes into play when there is exploration, but adding exploration on top of the decreasing number of DF pricebots increases the spreading. Note as well, that again with exploration, the average prices are greater than without exploration.

\scalebox{0.78}[0.78]{\includegraphics[scale=0.53]{pricedfno.eps}} \scalebox{0.78}[0.78]{\includegraphics[scale=0.53]{pricegtdfno.eps}}

Figure 8. Average generation prices without DF exploration

\scalebox{0.78}[0.78]{\includegraphics[scale=0.53]{pricedfexplore.eps}} \scalebox{0.78}[0.78]{\includegraphics[scale=0.53]{pricegtdfexplore.eps}}

Figure 9. Average generation prices with DF exploration

Victoria Manfredi