The Sun

This is image is actually from an animated program. (the small blue planet travels around the sun!) The sun is made from a sphere, and cones. This was the first program I made that used display lists -- a more efficient way to create objects when you have to create multiple copies. It also shows lighting settings (the sun "shine") and material settings.

The Room

This is my attempt at a simple "room". It also was my first experience in texture mapping (notice the checked pattern on the wall). Texture mapping is something I spent quite a bit of time on because I know I am going to need quite a bit this summer.

Large Uniform Splines

These are snap shots of the uniform spline that I was finally able to create. Its surface is based on the location of 64 control points. It still has the ability to be rotated, and have points manipulated by the user as well as saving vertices to file. Notice how many more bumps and valleys are possible on this surface than the spline sufaces I posted last week, (which just for information were non uniform spline). It is very exciting to finally get this far.


        In order to see the animation I created using my spline program, click on the image above. 
        Note your browser must have the appropriate mpeg plug-in to view the animation. 
        If not, right click on the image to download it and play it offline.

A Spline with Triangles Individually Textured

This is the output from my program that reads in a surface/object from a file, stores the information and textures the individual triangles that make up the surface or object. The file for this picture was from Haleh's spline program after we added the sides and bottom. If you look closely, in some places you can see the individual triangles. The reason I used the checker board texture is that it easily shows when the texture is being stretched or distorted. ( The only difference between the two pictures is that one is zoomed in farther and is from the other side of the spline. )

In the picture below you can more easily see how the texture is getting distorted on a some of the triangles.
(The portion of the spline shown below is the area with the most distortion)

My Checkered Cow

Well, this picture doesn't really show a whole lot except that "yes my program does work for other models!"

LIC Output!

This picture isn't perfect and there are some problems I still need to work out but this image shows LIC on a 3D surface pretty well. If you look closely you can see how the texture has lines on it that follow the surface (ie principle direction). There are some problems along the left side. Also some of the edges of the triangles are noticiable which hopefully I can fix, but it definitely has come a long ways.

More LIC

In this picture you can see the LIC even better, especially around the bumps on the surface. I still haven't been able to figure out what the dark gray parts are from. There are considerably more on this surface.

I was able to get rid of some of the dark gray parts by adjusting a few constants. It still isn't great but it is getting closer. I've been struggling with the edge of the triangles. I am trying to create a "buffer" around the triangle in the texture so that the texture coordinates do not include random noise along edge of triangle.

Final Results

Here are some images of what the surfaces looked like by the end of my last week. There are still some problems that need to be polished out. One problem is the lines that appear on the surface when the surface is rotated. I also wasn't able to get rid of the "seams" that appear on the image, though they have gotten better. From what I can tell, the "seams" occur when the interpolated vectors get very small. Overall, I am very happy with what I accomplished with this project.
(The double images show different versions of the same model. The right second used a check on direction vectors to lessen the "seams")


Close Up

Slightly Rotated

Side View

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