Week 1

The first day consisted of meetings including a weekly lab meeting, a project meeting, and a "FIKA" meeting in which the faculty and students gather and update each other and discuss weekly topics. The rest of the week I was mainly getting myself familiar with the two projects I will be working on over the summer. The first is a study on laporascopic surgery training techniques. We are monitoring surgical residents and their trainers as they practice laporascopic surgery in two different conditions. I got familiar with the equipment we will be using to monitor their performance and cognitive load, including eye trackers, Microsoft Kinects, and video cameras.

The second project I will be working on is the data analysis of electrodermal activity data of paramedic trainees responding to practice (but highly realstic) simulations of emergency situations. I will help with formulating a research question based on this data. This week I wrote a simple program to take the raw electrodermal activity data stored in csv files and create a corresponding csv file of the timestamps, raw data, and normalized data.

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