
About Me

Sophie Smith

I am Sophie Smith. I am originally from Orlando, FL but I go to school at Rhodes College in Memphis, TN. I am a rising junior there and I am majoring in Computer Science. I plan to graduate in May 2019 with a Bachelor of Science.

My email address is smiso-19@rhodes.edu
Fun facts about me:
• I started a knitting and crochet club called Yarn It at Rhodes
• I serve on our student run Honor Council
• I love going to concerts and listening to live music

My mentor:
Dr. Jennifer Mankoff
My mentor for this summer is Carneige Mellon University's own Jennifer Mankoff. She is an associate professor at the Human Computer Interaction Institute.
Her bio

Here are some of the highlights:
• "Her research embodies a human-centered perspective on data-driven applications"
• "She helped found the sustainable-chi group"
• "Her research has been supported by Google Inc., the Intel Corporation, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft Corporation, and the National Science Foundation. She was awarded the Sloan Fellowship and the IBM Faculty Fellowship."