Weekly Report


Week 2 June 5 - June 9

I have progressed to exploring the code we will be be revising in order to create the overlay.

This image depicts a versi on of the end product we hope to produce.
Each point where on line meets another is called a vertex labeled V#.
Each line connecting the vertices are called edges. We would like to associate each vertex and edge with specific properties which would describe the env ironment clearly enough so that the user may manipulate our skeleton to optimize accessibility throug h the environment and around obstacles.


This is a picture of the Medial Axis Skeleton overlay.
First we coded a new button from which we could select a graph file from.
We extracted the number of vertices and edge, then we associated an x, y, and z coordinate with e ach vertex.
Lastly we associated each edge, which is represented by a vector of points, with appropriate poi nt values used to connect the vertices.


Me and my room mate Ida have gotten really close she is really cool and we do everything together. Most of the time we just sit in the lounge area and watch tv since no one is ever there. Sometimes we play pool but it's kind of unfair since she is blind.


This week I got to meet Dr. Amato. We had our first meeting and I enjoyed learning about different part of motion planning. I also got to work more closely with my mentor Mukulika Ghosh. She is very kind and helpful.