Journal Entry #9: 07/27/2015-07/31/2015

With everything I have learned these past two months, I constructed a program that would include everything into my last project. This project will be a functional reactive program. The program consist of records, shapes, html embedding (JavaScript), elm, interaction among objects, points, pattern matching, input from the keyboard, and coloring techniques. The final project that I have decided to construct is called Brick Blaster. Brick Blaster is an interactive game that consists of one player. The player must user their paddle to release a ball in order to hit the bricks that are stationed above the paddle. The ball is not allowed to go past the players paddle or the player will be promoted to reset the game up. The game will be reset by the enter bar, the ball will be released from the space bar, and the paddle will be able to move left to right if the keys pressed are “A & D”. Every time the ball hits the brick the players score will increase. The update function is constructed to constantly update the game to recognize whether the ball is hitting the paddle, brick, or if the score should be increased if the brick is hit.