school: Columbia University

major: mechanical engineering

year: 2010, rising senior

email: jq2152[at]

hello there!

My name is Jie Qi and I'm a rising senior majoring in mechanical engineering at Columbia University. I'm interested in all things art and technology, especially where the two blend. I love to make things, be it drawing, crafting, building or hacking. In terms of research, I would like to explore mechatronics, new media, physical computing and human-computer interaction.

Through DREU (Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates), I will be spending the summer researching with Dr. Leah Buechley as part of the High-Low Tech group in the MIT Media Lab. The High-Low Tech group integrates hardware and computation into traditional arts and craft techniques to make engineering more friendly. The idea is to engage the traditional users of technology in becoming its creators.