Basic Information

Name : Maduka Ogba
School : Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas
Grade Level : Rising Junior, Class of 2011
Major : Computer Science
Minors : Chemistry, and Cognitive Science minors
Email Address : maduka.ogba@gmail.com

Academic Interest

I've always been interested in things related to technology ever since "who knows when". However, my specific interest has evolved over the years from graphics, to artificial intelligence, to simulation, and then back to A.I. Right now, I just want to explore all aspects of computer science that deal with some kind of human connection or interaction.

Other academic interests are chemistry, cognition, classics, and philosophy. Basically, I love to think, and I love things that provoke me to think, hence the interests in these subjects.

Other Activities I'm Involved in

My life certainly does not solely revolve around academics. I'm heavily involved the college I'm in. I am currently involved in the social responsibility sector of my school.s volunteer network. I am a co-chair for the academic honor council on campus. I am a co-president for Trinity's first hip-hop dance crew. I am a member of a committee that deals with diversity and intercultural issues on campus. I am also a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha colony (soon to become chapter) at Trinity university. Yes, i can definitely say my life revolves around the organizations I am involved in.

Things I do for fun
  • hanging out with friends
  • laying down on the beach
  • reading novels packed with drama
  • dancing (a whole lot of it)
  • Sleep (lol....seriously)
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