The Project
Duke Summer Internship 2008
Final Report
About Me

Week of 6/2 - 6/6  (week 1)


Monday and Tuesday -


These two days consisted of a formal introduction with everyone I will be   working with for the duration of the program.  I am working with four other Duke students but there   are two other Duke students working on a separate project.   I received specific details on the exact    tasks the project consists of.  In the afternoon we had a meeting with Professor Rodger where we   discussed upcoming events.  The closest one was a two week workshop with high school and   middle school teachers.  They will be coming with children between the ages of 10 - 16.  Professor   Rodger advised us to come up with material for the two weeks.  We planned on developing material   using Alice, Un - Plugged, and Scratch.  Three of my co workers presented tutorials they had   created.  The group critiqued them and we came up with new ideas for different material.  After   Professor Rodger left we had a second meeting with just the five of us.  In that meeting we   discussed a specific division of labor and what everyone will be working on for the week.  The rest   of the day was spent with everyone doing their assigned task.


Wednesday -


We began the day by reviewing some Alice material and getting use to the new development environment.  After sometime with Alice I began editing the website for CRA and Professor Rogder.  I made a lot of progress.  At lunch time we all went to the cs department lounge to eat lunch.  Everyone who was working at Duke University during the summer was at the lunch so everyone got to see who else is working in the department.  There was also a fun introduction session where everyone introduced who they were, where they were from, and what professor they are working for.   Soon after, we attended a presentation by Professor Owen Astrachan who works at Duke.  He talked about new ways of looking at computer science.  He spoke specifically about fingerprints and how computer science can be related to the topic. He used humor in his talk and brought up new ways of thinking about encryption, identification and how computer science has changed in the past 20 year.   The talk was a good break away from the computer.  It was also very interesting.




This morning we had a meeting with Professor Rodger.  She basically gave us an update on what was going on with the upcoming workshop.  We also discussed what she expects us to produce and put on the web.  She reminded us to download Alice 2.2, which has not been introduced to the world yet, in a sense we were the guinea pigs who get to debug the new edition of Alice.  Story Telling Alice is another version of Alice that she told us to download and come up with different tutorials and material for.  The meeting was over around 11 am and we were left to do some work.  I continued building the required website and manage to get it on the web with some of the required material. I also read one of the suggested readings by professor Rodger. Here is a quick summary:


JAWAA: Easy Web-Based Animation from CS 0 to Advanced CS Courses -
authors: Ayonike Akingbadez, Thomas Finley

, Diana Jacksony, Pretesh Patel

, and Susan H. Rodger

all of Department of Computer Science at Duke University
The goal of this article was to present JAWAA and how it can be used in a variety of ways in the computer science department.  JAWAA (Java and Web based Algorithm Animation), makes it easy to create animations and display them on the web.  Also the article points out; it can be used by both teachers and students.  Teachers can create animations to present in a lecture, or they can create objects for a programming assignment.  Students can use it for projects, and it can be used as a learning tool.  Within the reading it was stated that a study showed studies show that learning was enhanced with the use of animations.  Some examples of objects that can be created using JAWAA is stacks, quest, linked lists, arrays and more.  Concepts in computer science such as recursion can also be displayed graphically using the editor that comes with the program.  JAWAA facilitates learning and it allows students and teachers to make animations even if they have no knowledge of the JAWAA editor.  The article explains that JAWAA is a great learning and teaching tool that can be implemented in all classes of the Computer Science department.

Here is a link to the article:


 Friday - 


I started the day by doing one of the required readings.  There is a brief summary at the end of this journal entry.  After, I did quite a bit of work proofreading and updating the information on the website.  For the ladder portion of my time, I continued to learn Alice.  I have completed all the exercises in the appendixes.  I have been trying to figure out how to use arrays to make a game where the user sorts animals by height.  I am still in the learning stages, this is more like a learning experience rather then building a tutorial or making a world that I plan to use for the Alice workshop.


Social Networks Generate Interest in Computer Science


Casey Alt, Owen Astrachan, Jeffrey Forbes, Richard Lucic, Susan Rodger

Department of Computer Science

Duke University, Durham, NC 27708


The article addresses the trend of declining number of students enrolling in computer science. In the reading, the authors’ state different studies and research with high school students especially women point out the programming approach is failing to attract a broad variety of students to the computer science field.  It is also pointed out that a study has shown AP CS courses are the only AP courses with a declining enrollment.  As a solution, they propose developing new modules and teaching material that will appeal to a wider range of students.  The plan includes injecting a more math based curriculum that is still in sync with the ideas of computer science at all levels of education. They clearly state that they don’t want to change the programming requirement for introduction courses and higher lever courses in computer science but they want to create a new curriculum model with new material for the courses.  They also describe the use of Science of Networks to broaden the participation of students in computer science.  This is because of its requirement of multiple disciplines and segregated areas of knowledge. 


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Week of 6/9 - 6/13 (Week 2)


Monday - 


The day began with reading an article.  The summary is at the end of this journal entry.  Once I finished that and made some changes to the website I began reviewing the Alice material I have been working on since last week.  My next project which I plan to start by the end of today is a suggested program in the Alice book.  It is a frog jumping program.  The frog must jump form lily pad to lily pad while the lily pads are going back and forth at differnt speeds.  If the frog misses a lily pad he sinks and the game is over. If the frog makes it to the other side the game is over and the user wins.     


Tools for Teaching Introductory Programming: 

What Works?


The article explained the use of different mechanisms to help teach novice computer science students programming.  A category covered in the article is visual programming tools.  One of the tools mentioned was Alice, a 3 - D virtual worlds environment that allows students to drag and drop objects to create movies, computer games, or tell a story.  According to the article this is an appealling feature to a wide range of students.  Alice can introduce core concepts of object oriented programming without confusing syntax issues and error messages of a traditional programming language. Another tool covered in this category was Jeroo.  The second category is flow-model tools.  The article posits a great benefit for tools in this category is the ability to represent algorithms in a simple manner.  The results reported a 95% increase among the scores of participating students on problem solving sections on final exams.   The third category mentioned is specialized realization. This is the use of Lego MindStorms in the class room or any robot building kit. The reported benefit of this is the motivation factor.  It states kids are more focused on tasks since they enjoy manipulating the robots.  The students can use C++, Java, or Robolab to program the robots. 





I have been working on various Alice projects throughout the Alice book to learn how to use Alice so I can eventually develop creative new programs of my own.  Since yesterday I was working on a frog jumping program.  The object of the program is to jump form lily pad to lily pad until the frog gets all the way across a pool.  The lily pads move across the pool at random speeds and if the frog doesn’t land on a lily pad then he sinks into the pool and the program ends.  My co workers have been very helpful in assisting me with my questions. Once I finished working on the frog program I read another article.  The summary is below. 





The article discusses the details of Alice. It is not a full documentation of the program but it describes a good portion of the underlying pieces of it.  It begins with analyzing some important questions that should be addressed before teachers implement Alice and use it with there kids.  For example, what is missing?   It is concerned with the type of programming background the students have.  What type of previous work have they done? It also describes how the use of animation to teach is not a new idea.  They are concerned with how to improve its use for the best results.  The article continues on to describe certain aspects of Alice.  They include actions, named instructions, functions, recursion and looping, events interactions.  Actions refer to two different categories. The objects within Alice world can perform and action or an action can change the physical nature of an object. Named instructions are similar to the concept of a procedure in traditional programming.  Functions give the ability to compute values and return them.  Events and interactions allow users to create a GUI (graphical user interfaces). There are list boxes, check boxes, and sliders available as objects within Alice. 




I have finished my work on the frog program.  In the future I plan to create tutorials on how to reproduce the program and point out some of the important computer science concepts that it involves.  I started the day by working on a new project.  It is a program where a chicken has to cross 3 roads to eat gum drops.  There are cars going back and forth on the roads and if the chicken it hit by a car then the game ends. As long as the chicken is not squished or has not eaten all the gum drops the game continues to run.  The game ends when there are no more gum drops left.  The book is attempting to explain the concept of recursive calls with this project.  Once I am done I will also make a tutorial for this project as well.   Once lunch time came around we had a group lunch. A grad student gave a presentation.  It was very informative about grad school.  He explained the general everyday tasks of a grad school. He also pointed out how he came to the decision of attending grad school and how he chose Duke.  It was very useful because I would like to attend grad school and he gave some important points to consider.  When we came back from lunch I read an article.  I provided a quick summary below.


Teaching Objects-first In Introductory Computer Science


The focus of this article is to present a new way to use the object-first approach to teach intro-computer science courses.  The first section of the reading describes the challenges of the object-first approach.  The article continues on to explain how the newly presented method will meet those challenges.  It points out a significant challenge for the object-first approach is its inability to have students’ master functions and the principles of object oriented programming design at the same time.  It then introduces Alice, a 3-D virtual worlds environment to meet that challenge.  A brief description of the abilities of Alice is then provided. In this description, the process of creating code using a drag-n-drop system, the process of creating and changing a virtual world is also covered.  Three important points to that are addressed in the article in respect to how Alice meets the challenge. One, it reduces the complexity of details which is seen in the programming first approach.  Two, Alice provides a design first approach to objects.  Three, it allows the students to visualize objects in a meaningful context.  The article ends by presenting observations and statistics recorded from Ithaca students of 2001 - 2002.   




I have found creating worlds in Alice to be really fun.  I finished three projects,  I will spend the next week or so refining them and making them look more realistic.  I will also be making either power points or web page tutorials to explain exactly what is happening behind the scenes of each project.  For most of the day I was coding the chicken project which will eventually be used to explain the concept of recursive calls.  The tutorial will cover that when I make it later on.  We also had a meeting with professor Rodger today.  We discussed the workshop coming up next week.  She advised us as to what are schedules are going to be like. Basically two of us will have to come early and two of us will have to stay later.  She also told us that there was another workshop going on in Mississippi and judging from their rate of progress, the camp should not be moving very fast so we should produce our material accordingly.


Developing Algorithmic Thinking With Alice


This article is a presentation of how Alice, a 3-D virtual world developing environment can encourage learning how to produce algorithms. It reports that computer literacy is continuously evolving. Also being able to understand the concept of algorithms will always be a part of being computer literate especially in respects to being a programmer.  It also mentions other software that have the same goals as Alice.  Specifically, XTANGO, BALSA, Karel the Robot are a few that they outline.  According to the article, Alice is following the tradition of Karel the Robot; accept Alice uses a 3-D virtual world environment.  The reading continues to describe how to create an Alice world and how to approach solving a problem using Alice.  Lastly, it points out some observations and features of using Alice.  Briefly, a few benefits outlined are, immediate feedback; animations can be run at any time to display how an instruction affects the objects, enjoyment, state; traditionally it is not necessary to create variables, collaborative learning; students can work together to improve their worlds, and natural language; the Alice code very much resembles the English language, which makes it easy to understand the intentions of a line of code.


Friday 6/13 -


I spent the entire day putting finishing touches and refining code for the three projects I have been working on.  The projects were used as tools for me to learn Alice.  I feel that they helped a lot.  I am now comfortable building my own world and coding it to do what I want.  I began my first tutorial today as well.  The tutorial is on arrays.  It also touches base with a lot of other little concepts such as loops, 3 – D text, making a bill board, asking users for input.  We also had a meeting with professor Rodger.  She spoke about logistics of what we will be doing on Monday.  We talked about parking passes, lunch time, and other details relating to the schedule of events


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Week of 6/16 - 6/20 (Week 3)


Monday -


Today is the first day of the workshop. I arrived at work a little earlier then usual because Professor Rodger needed some extra help in the morning. She wanted to make sure everything ran smoothly so the workshop can start on time.  Once the teachers were all here, they received a lecture and did some simple exercises.  We assisted them with any questions they had and gave them pointers on things they didn’t quite understand. Once I had some free time I managed to complete my tutorial on arrays.  Jenna, my coworker is reviewing it to make sure that it isn't too confusing.  She will also give suggestions on how to make it better.  Here are some screen shots of the program.



Intro to Array Program Initial scene 



Alice Editor window with some of the code for the Array Program


Tuesday –


Jenna finished reviewing my tutorial.  I made the changes she suggested while the teachers were doing some morning exercises with Alice.  I was called over by different teachers when they had questions.  I am really enjoying playing the role of teaching assistant.  I feel like I am actually helping these teachers learn something that they could potentially inject into their curriculum.  This is a very rewarding feeling.  I am slow at updating my journal and website since I really don’t have much free time.  For now, I am just making small updates and changes when ever I get a little free time.  I read another background article on Alice as well.  Below is a brief summary.


Using Visualization To Teach Novices Recursion


The authors of this article present the argument that Alice, the 3D – Virtual Worlds Environment, can be used to teach novice programmers the difficult concept of recursion.  They explain how it can be argued that Alice does not really do actual recursion, but Alice can give students an intuition so they can grasp the concept with much less difficulty.  To sum up the article they describe how Alice uses an approach that involves visualization, experimentation, and mathematical explanation.


Wednesday  –


I am really looking forward to the group lunch with the Computer Science department today.  Jeff Phillips will give a quick presentation of the graduate work he is doing at Duke University.  He will be speaking about Approximation and Random Sampling in Computational Geometry.  I arrived to LSRC, the building where the workshop is, at normal time.  There wasn’t much to do early on so I  caught up on my journal entries and background readings. After some time the teachers began working on their Alice worlds and they had questions.  They kept all of us pretty busy for most of the day.  Lunch time came around and we all headed up to the North Building for the group lunch.  The presentation by Jeff Phillips ran smoothly.  It was nice to see into the life of a grad student.  I enjoy the getting a quick insight on what he is actually working on since some day I plan to be doing the same type of work.  It was pretty interesting to see that there was a lot of math involved in his research.  


Thursday –


I have gotten into a routine.  Arrive at work around eight am and do some code in Alice.  Help the teachers by answering any questions that they have.  The days are going by really quickly.  The Alice workshop is really fun; I can tell the teachers are really enjoying the new programming tool.  The free breakfast and lunch is great.  Professor Rodger did a great job coordinating the event. I feel honored to be a part of it all. I worked on creating a world that presents a 3-D model of a helium atom.  I finished it, and created a power point to explain all the parts of it and how to write some simple code to make the electrons revolve around the nucleus.  Here is a screen shot 



The Alice environment and a running world window


Friday –


Today there was an animation fest where the teachers presented the Alice world’s that they created.  They did a great job, the world they created very impressive.  It was interesting to see that in just a short time they came up with their own unique ways to coordinate Alice and their individual curriculums.  This was significant especially considering they were totally new using Alice. During the day, I was able to complete a tutorial on lists that professor Rodger suggested I build.  They will be learning how to create lists next week.  I was also able to read another article.  Here is a brief summary.



Objects: Visualization of Behavior and State


Wanda Dann, Toby Dragon Computer Science Dept, Ithaca College,

Stephen Cooper, Kevin Dietzler, Kathleen Ryan, Computer Science Dept.

Randy Pausch Computer Science Dept. Carnegie Mellon University,


This article provides a thorough explanation how the use of Alice, the 3-D virtual worlds environment, allows professors to teach novice program important concepts involved with Object Oriented Programming.  Once of those concepts is inheritance.  It states, class level methods demonstrates this abstract property of objects.  Also, class variables can track the state of objects throughout the life of the program.  The article covers how traditional teaching of objects can involved complicated memory maps. Students would then spend time deciphering a graphical representation rather then actually understanding objects.  The following section describes behaviors of objects and how world level and class level methods can be used to visually change the behavior objects in a world.  Another significant point addressed is syntactical type errors are avoided because of Alice’s smart editor that uses pre-made statements to create code.  The latter portion of the reading covers, functions, parameters and state variables. Lastly, there is a brief mention of a study funded by the National Science Foundation.  The complete results are not reported; just a few comments by participants of the study are presented.        


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Week of 6/23 - 6/27  (week 4)


Monday -


The workshop is in full swing and the teachers are learning new concepts everyday. This morning they worked on how to implement randomization in Alice. Professor Rodger took them through a lesson that showed how generating random numbers can be useful and how certain curricula can find it very useful. Me and the other research assistants supported professors Rodgers lesson by walking around and helping the teachers with things they didn't understand. We also helped them catch up if they fell behind. For the most part the teachers were able to follow along and learn everything pretty well. We were just there for them if they needed extra guidance. For the ladder part of the day I read another article and designed a new Alice world. It is a follow up to the world I created about list. It is a world with flamingo's doing a dance routine. The world involves the following Alice constructs; for all in order, for all together. Each of those construct are broken into two blocks. One has just the entire flamingo and the other has sub parts of each flaming. It is not much more complicated then the first tutorial on list that I made but it is more involved. I provided some screen shots following this article. I also read a new article for the background reading, there is a summary below.


Evaluating the Effectiveness of a New Instructional Approach


Barb Moskal Mathematics Department Colorado School of Mines Golden

Deborah Lurie Mathematics Department Saint Joseph's University

Stephen Cooper Computer Science Dept. Saint Joseph’s University


The article revealed the results of a NSF funded educational research project. It was concluded after the research study that the proposed curriculum in this research project did improve retention, attitude and performance. The early sections of the article cover the prior research involved and aspects of the curriculum development. Aspects of the curriculum involve using a 3-D virtual worlds environment to edit graphics, visual nature of object to get immediate feedback of program, a drag and drop editor to produce code, and physical object classes that give a strong object oriented design flavor to the curriculum. Further reading reveals that the study involved students who did not have any previous programming experience. These students were freshman that had declared computer science as their major. The article then describes how the actual study was structured. It mentions what courses were taken and the order they were taken in. It then describes how they assessed the students. Statistical data was presented that referred to grades collected for pre–test and post – test. The study successfully measured the effectiveness of using Alice. According to the result of examining the data, it was very effective.  


Tuesday -


Today started wasn't much different then yesterday.  Henry, a fellow research assistant gave a presentation on prompting the user for input and using local variables.  The teachers found this very useful because they can use these concept to build worlds that are interactive quizzes.  The rest of us supported henry's presentation by walking around and answering questions.  Following Henry's presentation Don gave a twenty minute lecture on the same topic. The lectures are picking up speed and the teachers are really getting comfortable with the Alice environment. 


Wednesday -

First thing in the morning professor Rodger set up a group meeting.  She wanted to get feedback from us on how we thought the workshop was going.  We also discussed the upcoming workshop with the kids.  The plan is, a week after the teacher’s workshop, a group of kids and teachers will come to Duke and learn Alice.  The following week a different group of kids will come with a different group of teachers.  That second workshop will also be a total of two weeks.  For lunch all of us, research assistants went up to the North Building.  Will Mendoza, a graduate student from the Duke-UNC Rotary Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution provided an overview of the 3DVirtual Simulation project he is currently working on for his graduate work.  The project is funded by the MacArthur Foundation.  It is collaboration between Duke University, the Rotary Center, and the Virtual Heroes Company. The simulation will train mid-career level participants how to deliver effective humanitarian assistance in disaster situations with good coordination among engaged parties, using conflict resolution skills.  Along with Will, Whitney Mickens and Rosie Kilgore, Duke Undergraduates, provided an overview on their part of the project.  They are creating the actual characters that will be used in the simulation using a program called Maya.  Professor Lucic of Duke University will be overview their work for the summer of 2008.

Thursday –


Today started of with a lecture from Professor Don of Carnegie Mellon University about the concept of lists in Alice.   Afterwards, the teachers were given time to use their newly learned concept and implement it in their own worlds.  After about forty-five minutes, Professor Rodger asked me to give a presentation on how to use lists so the teachers could see one possibility of how lists can be introduced to their curriculum.  My presentation went smoothly. I demonstrated how to create a 3-D electron cloud model of a helium atom.  My computer was hooked up to the projector and the teachers followed along.  The science teachers were very impressed, they plan to use Alice to create models of other atoms to show to their kids.  Henry, Jenna, and Deborah assisted me during my presentation by walking around and answering questions and helping people who fell behind.  This really made the whole process go a lot faster.  I also read an article  a different article about Alice.  Here is a summary:


Introducing Computer Science Through Animation and Virtual Worlds

Susan H. Rodger Department of Computer Science Duke University


The article presents the outline for CPS 49S, an introductory non majors computer science course at Duke University in 2002.  Professor Roder, the author of this article presents important aspects such as the classroom setup, the syllabus outline and why this course will increase interest amongst students who are hesitant to become computer science majors because of lack of interest in programming.  Some interesting parts on the course include the use of Jawaa, a animation tool that provide and easy way to create web animations using simple shapes. StarLogo, a tool created at MIT labs which is a programmable modeling environment.  Alice, and Karel++ are also used in portions of the course. Alice is a 3-D virtual worlds environment and Karel is a robot programming tool, in which the robots maneuver a 2-D virtual world. The last sections of the article describe assessment of the students and plans for future work and related courses. 


Friday -  It is the last day of the two week teacher workshop.  The whole event came and went very quickly.  The teachers gave all the research assistansts cards singned by all of them and a gift card to starbucks.  (Thank You teachers.  It was great working with you all.)  Most of the day they spent time putting the finishing touches on final animations so they could present them.  Now the teachers had the ability to do many differnt things using Alice.  They really made some big, impressive worlds.  It was good to see how much they have improved since the first day when they didnt kno anything about Alice.  I really enjoyed the entire workshop.  Next event is the kids camp which is one week after next week.  That will also run for two weeks.  


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Week of 6/30 - 7/4  (week 5)


Monday -


This week is different then last week, since there is no workshop this week.  We are back in the office located in the North Building.  The pace has slowed down a little.  The focus for me now is to put together tutorials in power point format and pdf format for the example worlds that the teacher would like to know how to build.  These are time consuming tasks since they must include very detailed instructions. During the afternoon, we had a meeting with professor Rodger.  It was one of the longer meetings we've had.  We discussed plans for the upcoming kid’s camp.  Since we now have experience to refer to from the teacher’s workshop we have more of an idea as to exactly what we would like to do with the kids during their camp.  She advised us on specific worlds she would like us to build and present.  There were certain programming and learning concepts that she wanted to make sure we included in our presentations.


Tuesday -

I spent most of the day creating and defining a demo world.  I have been building an Alice world that implements an algorithm that I coded in Java.  The program asks the user for their birth date and tells them what day of the week they were born. While translating my Java code to Alice I came across a couple hurdles.  For one, Alice did not have a mod function to calculate a remainder of a quotient.  Alice used a function called IEE remainder which was a little different.   This was an issue because using this function it is possible to get a negative remainder which would crash the program and give the wrong answer. I spent some time developing a way around this.  Most of the day, I was refining the Alice code until I got something that I could present at the computer science group lunch meeting tomorrow.  The entire Alice team will demo something they developed and describe what the Alice project involves.


Wednesday -


Today I went back to put some finishing touches on tutorials and Worlds that will go up on the Alice repository.  The repository is not up yet but when it is, It will contain all the material that the entire Alice team has been working on and using during the workshop.  We also had the computer science group lunch today. The Alice team was the speakers for the day.  We introduced ourselves and told our grade level and school we attended. We also describe the detail of the Alice program.  It went very well, they department had some good questions after we showed some demonstrations that we had developed. 


Thursday -


It seemed as if the day went by very quickly.  I finished refining all of my tutorials, they are ready to be put on the repository.  Professor Rodger called a meeting today to discuss more details of the camp.  This was a longer meeting then usual.  She told us all about the papers we need to check to see that every kid has and if they don't have it what we should do.  Most of the meeting was spent talking about logistics like this. She also touched on the general procedure for the first day of the Kid's camp and extended teacher Workshop.  We also came up with a general schedule of who will be giving lectures to the kids and teachers on each day.  It was good to have a sense of who will be presenting what ahead of time because then we got a chance to prepare and make sure we get our lesson across. 


Friday -




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Kid's Camp 1 Extended Teacher workshop Term 1

Week of 7/7 - 7/11  (week 6)




Today is the first day of the Kid's Camp and extended teacher Workshop.  A group of sixteen kids arrived at Duke between 8 and 9 am. They were a mix between girls and boys and different ethnicities.  The children are between the ages of 10 and 15.  Upon arrival each child took a pre test on Alice and completed a survey on attitude about computing.  The results from these forms will serve as data in the research project.  Once all the testing was done with, Jenna and Ruthie instructed the kid's on some beginning components of Alice. They all picked it up really quickly and it seemed as if some wanted to move on the the next topics. After instruction they began to work on their own worlds and test out some of the new tools they just learned.




Today was not much different then yesterday.  The only difference was the kid's did not have to fill out as much paper work. They came in and immediately began taking instruction in Alice.  Jenna and Ruthie completed a 3 part lesson that they created. After lunch, Professor Rodger asked me to give a quick lecture on one of the lessons she created.  The lesson was about parameterizing methods and how that makes method more useful.  The kid's had little to no difficulty picking up the concept.  The other research assistants were walking around seeing if the kid's were on following along actually understanding what was happening. Near the end of the day I did a demonstration of a day of the week calculator that I made in Alice.  The other research assistants also did a demonstration of one of their own Alice worlds.  I discover some bugs during this presentation that I needed to fix. I worked on it for the rest of the day and managed to fix it.


Wednesday -


I started the day off by doing a part 2 lesson on parameterizing methods.  The kids camp is going great.  The children are very cooperative and well behaved.  They are very attentive and I believe this is because they are genuinely interested in learning how to create 3 - D animations.  The entire camp of kids and group of workshop teachers gathered in the LSRC building near the end of the day for an animation show. All the kids demonstrated the worlds they have been working on for the past couple days.  I overheard some of the teachers talking about the demonstrations.  From what I heard, it sounded as if they were surprised at how fast the kids were picking up Alice. Personally I was very impressed by the kids' Alice worlds.  I ended the day of with a brief presentation of my birthday calculator world I created in Alice. 


Thursday -


The kids have been very excited about Alice and building their own worlds. Today Henry Qin a fellow research assistant and Deborah Nelson each gave a new lesson on Alice.  Every day the kids take a walk on Duke Campus so they can get some fresh air and be away from the computer.  Today we went to Cameron Indoor stadium. We visited the basketball court and the Hall of Fame.  It very nice and well decorated.  The rest of day was filled with instruction on Alice and the kid's worked on their worlds.  The Alice team helped the kid's with questions they had and suggestions. 


Friday –


Today was the last day of Kid’s camp one and the first term of the extended teacher’s camp.  The Alice team gave short instructions on some extra Alice techniques the kids might find useful.  For example, I did a short presentation on how to construct a personal billboard using paint.  Before lunch the kids took a walk with some teachers and the Alice team to Duke Chapel and Duke Gardens.  They came back after about one hour, ate lunch then they were left to put finishing touches on their worlds.  The day was ended with the second animation show of the year.  The teachers were present and some professors from the CS Department also came to watch.  The children did a great job and I know their teachers will be very impressed come September. 


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Kid's Camp 2 Extended Teacher workshop Term 2

Week of 7/14 - 7/18  (week 7)



Today is the first day of the student camp and extended teacher workshop term 2.  There are 20 kids currently in high school or middle school.  The group is a mix of boys and girls and a variety of ethnicities.  At the beginning of the students completed a survey about their opinions on computing.  They also took a knowledge test on Alice.  On the last day of this camp they will take a post test and an exit survey.  The results of the survey and test will be analyzed and used as data for the research project.  Once the test was completed Jenna and Ruthie began a 3 part lesson with Alice.  This served as an introduction to some basic Alice tools.  Before the end of the day they completed part 1 and 2.  Part 3 will be completed tomorrow. After lunch the children worked on their own Alice worlds’ which they will present at the animation show on Friday.


The day started off with a lesson on parameters on events.  I did the same presentation that I did last week.  This week there are more kids that are older than 13 so the presentation went a little faster because the students were a little more experienced as a group.  The basic format of the camp is instruction in the morning and individual work in the afternoon.  Before lunch the students went for a walk to the Duke Gardens.  They appreciated the break and being away from the computer for a while. They returned after about one hour and resumed instruction.  Deborah Nelson presented a lesson on creating and using lists in Alice.  The rest of the day the students worked on their own worlds.


Professor Rodger conducted a lesson first thing in the morning on functions.  The kids worked on an exercise that helped them learn functions and how to use functions and randomization together to create cool color changing effects.  In order to keep the research project consistent we kept the same routine we used last week.  During lunch the Alice team attended the group lunch at the North building.  Duke undergrad student, Martin Azizyan gave a presentation on his summer internship project.  To be brief his research project involves using ambient data captured from a cell to identify specific locations.  It is very similar to the concept of GPS systems except this is more localized and specific.  We returned to the LSRC building and for the rest of the day the students worked on their Alice worlds.       


The morning instruction today was presented by Henry lesson on using billboards and using a special template world that he created. He also gave instruction on how to import billboards in Alice.  I did a follow up lesson on constructing personal billboards using Microsoft Windows’ paint program or power point then importing them into Alice.  These billboards could serve many different useful purposes.  The students then had some free time to work on their worlds.  After a few minutes Professor Rodger gave another presentation.  She showed the students how to create a timer and a score counter in Alice.  The students were very interested in this.  A handful of them added it to their world.  They will be demonstrating their worlds in the animation fair tomorrow.  Before lunch the kids took a routine break and went for a walk on Duke University Campus.  They came back after about one hour and worked on their world’s for the rest of the day.     


Today is the animation show.  The students have been working very hard to refine their worlds.  Last week the show ran very smoothly, every kid showed at least one world. Some kid’s built two.  We were pretty much helping the kid the entire day.  They were very creative and we wanted to make sure that they don’t back away from an idea because they thought it’s too hard.  We encouraged them to at least attempt a few different possible solutions.  Most of the time they found a way to make their ideas reality. The animation was the focus of the entire day.  It started at 2 and was over around 3:30. The kid’s parents came to watch. From what I saw they seemed impressed at what their kid could create in just a few days.

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Week of 7/21 - 7/25 (week 8)





We have quite a bit of progress with the research project.  Over the past four weeks we collected a lot of data.  The pre test and post test that the students took were sent to Colorado to be reviewed.  Besides that there is still all the Alice material that the students created.  The plan is to sift through them and created a spread sheet of the significant information.  This would include types of programming tools they used, the number of kids who actually followed along, and if they actually completed worlds they were supposed to etc.  Professor Rodger had a meeting to where we discussed all the details of what to expect for the next few weeks.  She assigned us to build some more tutorials on specific short Alice tasks.  I built two, one about texture maps and another one about billboards. 



The focus of this week is to build some very task specific worlds that some teacher or students may want to review.  Professor Rodger came up with a list and we divided the work amongst ourselves.  At the same time each of us are putting items up on the repository that will have all the Alice material on it.  The repository is not up yet but we are all in the process of getting it up and running so the world can access it.  Before we reach that point we must make sure all the items on it are refined and acceptable. For the most part of the day I built tutorials and updated my website content.


The early part of my day was spent doing revisions on the tutorials I made.  Professor Rodger made processed a good number of our tutorials and gave us some revisions to make.  We had a short meeting; Professor Rodger had another meeting to attend so she could not stay long.  Tomorrow we will be presenting some Alice material to fourth and fifth graders at a nearby public school.  We attended the computer science department group lunch and presentation.  Professor Alvy Lebeck of Duke University gave a speech about computer architecture. He discussed how we arrived at today's multicore processors and what to expect in the future, including some nanotechnology related items.
Today I continued with the revisions I’ve been working on.  I also did work on the Alice Repository web page.  Each of us is contributing to that website so that is a collective effort.  After lunch Professor Rodger drove us to a nearby Durham public school to give an Alice presentation.  I reviewed the power point slides and did the activity that the children will do on a Mac computer to make sure there weren’t any issues.  Besides some minor graphics glitch there was no real conflict.  The presentation went well.  The kids were fourth and fifth graders.  They did a good job at listening and following a long.  We wrote down some general observations since they were not actually participating in the research study. 
Professor Rodger held another meeting today.  We discussed categories and details about the type of information we need to comb through.  All of the Alice worlds the kids created were backed up and well will be going through those backups next week.  Professor Rodger came up with a list of computer science concepts and Alice structures we should look for.  The group also discussed other items that should be added.  The direction of our work has changed.  Earlier this week we were refining tutorials but starting Monday we will move away from that so we can begin organizing and looking through data. 

Week of 7/28 - 8/1 (week 9)


Monday - 


The focus of the upcoming week is to gather and organizing as much information as we can get from the Alice worlds that the students created.  I spent most of the data building a data base using Microsoft Access to organize the data.  Basically what I made is a table of students and within that table is another table of collectors.  The collectors are the Alice team research assistants.  That table is linked to a number of different tables so that we can keep track of which kid's Alice world the information comes from and who collected the data. The students do not actually have names in the table they will only have an id number.  As we began to put data into the data base I reorganized it to make it easier to understand and work with.  The database setup is not complete but it is something to work with.




Professor Rodger discussed ideas about the database and its organization with us this morning. She pointed out some queries I will eventually need to make.  Once all the data is entered into the database making the different queries will be easy.  The research team is dedicating all our time to combing through every world that the kids made.  Some kids really like to make worlds and made 20 short animations but some kids made less than five.  Some of the things were looking for are programming constructs like loops, if statements, and parameters.  We are also looking for the type of objects they have and how many objects they have.  Eventually we would like to contrast the content of the worlds according to age and gender.



The database is working out well.  The information gathering is more than half way done. By Thursday all the information from every students Alice world should be ready to be entered into the database.  I am entering the information student by student. As I go along I am figuring out the little short cuts to adding the info.  For example I made a table with each student’s name, age, and gender I can look up information from this table in another table.  This saves me a lot of time because I don’t need to re type a kids name in every table.  Today’s is the last group lunch and presentation.  It was similar to the previous lunch and presentations we’ve had before.  There was more than one presenter though this time.  The undergraduate students working with Professor Jeffery Forbes of Duke University gave insight on the work they are doing this summer.  They are working with localization data and robots.  Very cool research. 


I spent most of today adding all the information. I also did some experimentation with the software I am using.  I haven’t used access since freshman year of college so I needed a little refresher about how to work everything.  My co workers suggested making a couple backups before I experiment too much, which I thought was a great idea.  I explored query making and exporting different tables to excel spread sheet.  I didn’t spend too much time on this though because there was still a lot of information that needed to be entered into the database. Professor Rodger has been having frequent meetings with the group to make sure we are on the right track.  There is about one week left and there really isn’t much time left to work with.  Although it is a short time I think we are on schedule. 


All the information has been entered in the database.  I spent most of the morning with the Alice team checking the information in the database with the information we had on paper.  There were a few minor things I need to fix.  Professor Rodger held another meeting today; we discussed possible charts and graphs to generate from our information.  Once chart we decided to build was one with all the tutorials and how many kids completed them and if not how far did they get.  This would show how many of the children actually followed along with the different presentations that we gave.    


Week of 8/4 - 8/8 (week 10)


Monday –

I spent some time over the weekend working on different charts and graphs professor Rodger may want to look at.  This morning I finished a power point I made previously.   Professor Rodger asked me to make some changes to it before it goes on the Alice repository.  I also reviewed the content of my website to make sure it ready to be submitted by the end of this week.  I plan on going over it a few times to reduce the amount of error for example broken links, misspellings etc.


During the early part of the day I worked on putting together a works cited page for my final paper.  I saved all the resources I have been references on a word document as a list.  Completing the page did not take too long.  After, I reviewed some of the content of my web page.  Professor Rodger also sent an email about suggested correction for my power point that will accompany the final paper. 


I am in the process of finalizing my final paper.  At the same time I need to make sure all of my tutorials for the Alice repository are ready.  Most of the morning was spent reviewing tutorials  already made and talking to the other research assistants to come up with suggestions and hints for the separate tutorials.  


The morning started off with some work with the data base.  Professor Rodger asked for a chart that showed what objects males preferred and what females preferred.  The Alice team came up with categories for types of objects.  We ended up using the categories found in Alice with one wild card category for kids who had a random mix of objects.  Once the query was done, I then exported to excel and built a new chart.  The rest of the day was spent coming up with ideas for new charts with other possible useful information.  To put it all together I made a page of all the charts we currently had and some quick information about each.



I spent the day creating charts.  I created a query in the data base to pull the types of objects kids used organized by age. I exported the information to excel and made pie charts.  At first I made a bar graph but it was too hard to read so I decided to do pie charts.  This work kept me busy the whole day, but I finished it.  The past 10 weeks has gone by really quickly. I am still coming to the realization that it is finally over.  This was a great experience.  Thank you Professor Rodger, and Congratulations on your new position.